MiniMaxx V1 SHOP NOW
What is up guys welcome back to the channel it’salways a huge thanks for coming back. We reallyappreciate you so today’s going to be another funvideo uh. Just a couple videos ago, we introducedyou guys to the uh Bry build again. This is goingto, be our more show focused uh, build that we’reworking on with Bryce again I was really excitedabout this truck and I’m still really excited.
Butwe got a new swap that we’re doing this week. Andif bry’s truck is one of my favorite trucks, onInstagram uh, because it’s so it’s got so manycool. Custom one-off touches that I think trulymake this truck a custom truck. This is one ofmy favorite trucks, because of how clean it isthis truck is by far the nicest, cleanest truckwe’ve had in this shop. It’S obviously a littlebit hard to really record cuz.
It’S black uhbut it it it’s gorgeous. The black on Chromealso looks so classy like this Shu, it’s reallygot class, so obviously uh crew, cab, long bed, F350Power Stroke, four-wheel, drive again an absoluteunit of a truck. It does have 274,000 Mi believeit or not, and it doesn’t show it um. It has beenresprayed. But again the whole truck is so cleanand.My buddy sack from ODI built keeps this truckImmaculate like look at the interior on this thing, absolutely gorgeous super close, clean, uh Imean he’s got these blankets over everything tokeep the seats. You know. Looking fresh, I mean lookat that look at that not torn up or anything supernice. The whole interior of the dash everythingis, just mint he’s got these uh Billet shm piecesfrom, I believe JC Customs, I believe, is who makesthese and again just super clean. Also, I love thathead unit.
It definitely fits the truck uh waybetter than like the drawing ones that I uselike the doubl in looking head units uh, but whilestill being really nice and modern, so definitelylike that head unit, I I might look into one ofthose. Did you guys even like hear how easily itclosed it just went right into place? Um it doeshave a ranch hand bumper. I honestly didn’t knowthey made this setup to where you can bolt itto the original bumper that looks really goodI. Guess I never really paid attention to it.
Hedoes have some really nice projector headlightson. This thing um, I bet they’re, really nice andbright, but again the whole truck is just superclean super super clean. I love this thingand. I absolutely love the collar combo on it not going to lie. I scare the crap out ofmyself, I’m like is that a scratch, but it’s justit’s got like paint protection film down hereand.You can kind of just see the line of whereit’s at, but I’m like. I really hope I didn’tdo that, but now it’s just it’s just a filmoh man again I love this truck. I’M super excitedto be working on it and again to our buddy sackuh, who again trusted us to work on this beautyyou know. Thank you she’s in good hands and uh Iguess. Let’S do a quick, um build plan of what we’regoing to be doing with this truck so obviously wespecialize on the all five plus exos swaps.
Andthat is exactly what we have right here, so mybuddy brought me. I believe these are 05 axlesso, so we’re going to do obviously front andrear or five axles. This man got the absolutebest suspension. You can get for one of thesetrucks, so he got what I believe is a full setof uh Carly suspension for it. So we’re going tobe doing the Carly Springs the shocks the radiusarms uh, I believe, that’s it.
So this truck’s goingto ride amazing uh at least up front in therear. For now he’s keeping the OBS Springs. Butagain. This truck’s going to look amazing andit’s, going to ride even better so uh. I meanthere’s not really much else to say other thanyou know, let’s just dig right into it and uh getthis thing started.So the first thing we gotto do is again, like I said, with this truck wegot, to remove the bumper. We got to break loosethe, lug, nugs, lug, nuts, on the truck and jack itup and start taking off all of the suspensioneverything and be able to pull out the axlesI’m not leaving this shop tonight until I have thesuspension out of this truck. So, let’s get right to oh all righty, guys so day. Two of this swap so today’sgoal is to actually finish removing everything offthe frame that we got to take off to install ourbrackets. We also, unfortunately, have to remove thatrsk with that uh bolt.
That’S going to be a painagain. I don’t think it’s going to be that bad umthat bolt is definitely not coming out it’slike hitting ah that just got worse, oh man, so anyways the goal to today for todayis to remove that rsk one way or another that’sgoing to get really interesting And uh to installthe rest of our bracket, so we’re going to installthe coil buckets the radius on brackets track. Barbrackets s bar bracket, basically, have it ready, forthe axle to roll under this truck and be able tobe back on its own weight? We also have to slightlymodify um our buckets because the shocks that hegot the Carly ones come with the reservoir, so weactually made a bracket to hold the reservoir butwe got to drill a couple holes right here to beable to mount it right there, but that shouldn’tbe, a Big deal should be pretty easy to do. Um soyeah, for now we’re going to go ahead.
Get startedagain like I said. We got to pull off that RS SKwe got to pull up the pull off the pitman arm, theshock Towers the brake line that bomb stop. We gotto pull off the rear leaf spring hanger uh bracketand yeah. Basically, at that point, like I said, we’llbe ready to install all of our parts so hopefullyuh it should go pretty easy. Like I said, we’rejust going have to find a crafty way to cut thatbolt out of there.Also uh throughout the yearsI’ve been trying to find ways to make this channelbetter, and one of them is trying to find the bestmicrophone that I can that doesn’t absolutelybreak the bank uh. I think I found it with thismicrophone. I’M pretty excited to try it out so youguys. Let me know if uh, if I sound any better thanotherwise, would cuz again I’m I’m super excitedto. Try this thing out.
It should be hopefully anupgrade over the microphones that we’ve beenusing so yeah. Let me know what you think: allrighty guys so quick update time. Uh we’ve gotthis thing to the point where we’re going tostart drilling holes and installing our bracketsso kind of, let me show you what everything lookslike Oho, that uh rsk was fun to take off. Butanyways we’ve got this completely cleaned, offof everything we removed the Pitman arm. Um thethere is couple rivets right here that you gotto remove one’s actually a Riv nut and the otherone’s just an A Ling pin, but you got to removethose two for the track bar bracket.
I also havemy two holes that I got to drill out for the coilbuckets are marked out, so we got to draw drill, ahole there and a hole right there and then for theradius arms we’re going to make we’re going touse that hole that hole and H. Where is it wheream? I planting that one and that one, so we got tomake those last two uh bigger but other than thatuh. This truck is ready to get the get our partsinstalled. So I’m going to go ahead.Start doingthat um I’ll update you once we have a few of theparts installed um, I might timelapse some of thistoo. So that way you guys can kind of see theuh process of how I am installing everything so, yeah huh. Why is there such a big mess? Big on are separate, so the only thingholding that down is these set up, all righty guys so update time. We have thetruck pretty much pretty close to being doneuh, I’m not going to lie.
This thing did give mea little bit of a challenge, especially I gavemyself a really tight, uh timey uh time frame tofinish it because um, my buddy’s got to drive itback next week, but we’ve got the kit on we’vegot uh, all the suspension, the Carly stuff onthis truck Um right now we’re just uh trying tofinish the rear end, and then I got to go backand torque, um, the radius, arms and the trackbar bracket, but other than that this thing ispretty much done up front it turned out. Amazingi mean again, I’m really sorry that I couldn’tfilm more of this, but it kind of got to a pointwhere, I’m like okay, I got to focus on finishingthis thing. The uh, like I said the rsk did giveme. Quite a bit of you know trouble we, I don’teven know where we used a whole bunch of H, sawsaww blades, but we were able to able to get itcut out of there, not the actual ARS skape butjust, the the bolts that were right behind theintercooler, so that Took me just that likehalf a day trying to get in there and getall of those bolts cut out and everything but wegot them out. That’S done and we got the rear endmostly put back together.
I got to install the uhparking brakes and then we got to relocate thatparking B brake uh bracket right there allwe do with the parking brake is we try andrun the cables like they would originally sothey go kind of behind the axle over and thenover the leaf springs Behind the Lea Springs, Ithink and then over to the frame over here andthis bracket, that was for the OBS e brakes, wetake it off the frame, so it would normally goright there. So we take it off and we just scootit forward to where, at a where it’s at a spotthat it’ll be able to put good tension on thebrakes and uh. That’S pretty much it so yeah I’mgoing to jump on that. Get all that finished! Upand uh we’ll get the truck pked back togetherand, take a couple more videos of it and send itoff to its owner.So yeah. Oh, I almost forgot tomention um when we were getting ready to bleedthe brakes. We realized that this caliper is theone for the uh passenger side and not the driver’sside um cuz. As you can see, we’ve got that littlebleeder valve down below and you want to have ituh up here. The way you can actually bleed all theair out of your system and then we also figuredout that that one was leaking pretty bad, so we’regoing to replace that uh that caliper get a newone put on and uh, hopefully we’ll be good to go all righty guys.
So, as you just saw we aredone with the truck and again I’m so sorrythat, I couldn’t film more of the processbut. Unfortunately, I got to a point whereI’m like okay. If I don’t start 100 % focusing onthis truck, I might not make my deadline. I I setmyself a pretty tight deadline on this truckand. Unfortunately, a couple things didn’t go myway and it made it to where I was in the shophere all week until like past midnight – and I Ihate doing that, I I I try to keep the this bestof work.
Life balance as I can and like I try tobe home just like everybody else, right, um, butagain, uh, a couple things happened to where itjust kept, pushing me and pushing me and pushing meback um, but fortunately we were able to make thedeadline uh and the truck came Out beautiful, I I’mincredibly happy with the way this truck looks umI’m so fortunate that I had the chance to workon this thing and again, let me kind of give youa quick, walk around of everything that we didso, obviously axle swapped on 05 axles. We did aCarly kit, so it’s got a Carly, 2 and 1/2 in uhkit, with the reservoirs uh with the shocks andthe reservoirs uh we. This is something that Ihaven’t really ever showed, but we do have anoption to add a Reservoir Mount to our coil bucketso. If you guys ever do want to run the setup uh wecan, definitely you know uh sell you this wholesetup with the bracket and everything for coilover. So so anyways we got like.I said. The shocksthe reservoir mounted on top of the shock, uh wehave, the Carly arms. On this thing, too, which arethose things are super nice super beefy? I reallylike them uh, oh one more thing to say about theuh the coil over um The Reservoir Mount. It can bemounted on this position or you can actually alsoflip it around and mount it right here.
If you wanta little bit lower, so you’ve got those two optionsnow as far as the front, that’s pretty much it umagain super nice, simple, but very, very classy. Andwell Done truck the rear uh. He also opted for theCarly shocks in the rear, too, with the reservoirum and other than that. That’S pretty much it hedid keep his OBS leaf springs. He has a pretty uhkind of wild set up with the overload so that’sa one.
Two four pack overload spring Plus the umthe the helper bag on this. So as far as I know, hetoes pretty relatively heavy with this truck so hereally liked his setup like that. So we kept it nowthat being said he he has shown interest and toldme that he might do the rear, uh Le spring swap aswell. So we’ll see. Hopefully we get this shuck backin, so we can do that swap now.I know a lot of youguys are going to be asking for the wheel, andtire setup. I don’t have the exact uh specs butI do believe that these are weld wheels and I meanlike, I said talk about period, correct like that issuch, a nice classy. Look on this bad boy, I I reallyreally really like it um. As far as the tire we’vegot, a toy toyot tires Open Country at all, terrainwhat’s the size on this thing, so it’s a 35, 12, 112 um, R7. So again, really nice really nice setup Ithink.
It looks really good. Dy drives really reallygood. We already took it on a test. Drive down thehighway, you know 75 mph drives super straightsuper smooth, doesn’t pull anything it’s it’s areally, really nice uh setup and again I’m superhappy with the way that it came out. I I think Iwould love to eventually build a truck like thiskind of like a more classy period, correct truckand, I’m it’s kind of what I was thinking aboutdoing with the uh crew cap Shore bed, but insteadof doing the axle swap we’ll do the uh ttb setupon.
That thing and do Co lovers on so make make ita really nice truck too, but still kind of keep ita little bit more lowkey than than my other truckso. Again, I mean I don’t know what else to sayabout this thing, it’s an absolute for like thethousandth time gorgeous truck. I I’m definitelyreally happy with the way that it turned outCarly kit rides great, which, by the way um we canget you pretty much any setup. You would like we’redealers for um skyer icon. We can also do uh Carlyuh, I mean if you guys want coilovers.
We coulddo coilovers King Fox, pretty much anything youwant uh carbon. So again we we’re really enjoyingdoing. These builds and you know, send me an emailif. You guys are interested about us doing a buildlike this for you and um. I know that I mentionedin the past that I I have pretty much all thestuff minus axles, but if you guys do want to dropoff your truck and have me do everything I cansocial the axles Wheels tires, lift anything we’reexcited about this.
It’S it’s! It’S pretty cool! I’Mdefinitely! Happy that we’re doing this, but againI there’s really not much else to to add to thisthing truck, is absolutely gorgeous um, the axle issold. That’S the axle that came out of it uh, but Ibelieve.
He does have the rsk with the leaf springsstill for sale, so send them a DM uh huil. I thinkis on Instagram and again guys thank you for yoursupport. Thank you for watching for subscribingfor liking. If you have any questions, leave themdown below send me an email blow @ youguys want to quote to see how much this would costme, you know, send me send me that email and we’llget you a quote we’ll we’ll build a plan for youbut again. Thank you guys, really appreciateyou and uh we’ll see you on the next one.