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All righty fellas, I feel, like I, don’t give the miles per gallon uh enough attention. I always claim this thing: it’s decent fuel mileage, but I never get the specific. So this video is about a 2024 Ford F350 with an ho and what’s my definition of decent fuel mileage. So I’m going to talk about three categories: I’m going to talk empty loaded heavily. My definition of loaded heavy is pulling a goose EG between 20 24 th000 lb behind the truck, so average weight that this truck pulls hold.
On a second hold your horses, this is 80 % of the usage of the vehicle right. This is what I get 128 and uh 132. Well, that’s! 85! So that’s more accurate right for the last 8,500 miles.
This thing has 216 um, that’s the usage! So that’s me hauling trailers. Now this is me just putting putting around town 153 so driving empty. On the interstate at consistent speed of 73 to 75 M an hour, I could bank at 20 m to the gallon. I could count on 20 mil, depending on the Wind, depending on the terrain.
You know: there’s Rolling Hills, Flats uh, if it’s a perfect ideal situation. You know you kind of get 21 21.4 bracket now around here in the Pacific North Northwest, I kind of count on 20 and 20 is phenomenal. I got zero complaints. This thing sits on 35s.It does the trick for me now same scenario, meaning you’re empty, just a pickup truck with just Parts in the back or whatnot uh. You know fair or less empty. You know I. I got a wheel hub, Tire, Loop and what else brake pads in the back? Even if that’s considered a load right, oh shoot my bucket’s on theide, it’s thick uh Tire, it ain’t spilling um, so P, pting around town.
You know doing these kind of speeds. These kind of scenarios – Spokan isn’t slam busy, but it gets annoying, especially this time of the hour. What is it about 4:00 right now? You know traffic, but I’m in the commercial area. So it’s not too bad, so average case scenario.
This is what I expect out of it: the 153. That’S me uh the last 3 days I’ve been running a lot of errands and a little bit of trailer, so I would say 75 %. 80 % of that is empty. 25, 20 to 25 % is with the gooseneck, but none of the goose necks were heavy short distance Halls. So real world numbers right here.
Those numbers are ere exaggerated. I’Ve noticed by my hand, calculations 0.1 to2 miles the gallon, so we’re barely scratching 15 mes of gallon guys. It is perfectly fine, now keep in mind. I uh I’ve dealt with a lot of cuming 67, particularly my4, struggled to to get this kind of fuel mileage around town with my usage right, there’s so many variables, it’s hard to say, hey it’s this number and and you’re going to get this number as well.No there’s too many variables. The only consistency is a my usage. My daily usage doesn’t change. I do the same thing I’m involved in three companies. I do the same thing.
I run around town running area meetings, parts that kind of scenario. So comparing my 14. Yes guys, I will talk about a 19 and I’ll also talk about a 21. This is this is a relevant video, so my 14, which is known to get the be best fuel mileage out of all the trucks I’ve owned um. It would struggle with this around town.
I think it’s primarily due to the gearing that thing has 342 that does affect it around town um, so that that would be more of a 14 to 145 kind of truck and what I would expect out of it. Um now, let’s talk about this truck average toe average toe is about 15,000 lb. Behind this truck on the Interstate 90, 95 % 1015 510 51 % around town, I expected 125. That’S a given one! That’S what I expect the fuel mileage to be uh 12 to 125.
That’S what I could think on. Yes, it gets a little better on on average, but something you could count for like if you’re billing out a customer or something what’s real fuel mileage and what your actual expense is going to be. You could just count 12, so you know average load 15,000 lbs behind this truck with the goose neck decently, aerodynamic load, steel. You know a lot of Steel and a little bit of something or a little bit of everything else in between something a little bit of this, and that now that’s 12. Now, when I do tow heavy, let’s say 20 to 24,000 lbs, I know that’s not super heavy, and this truck is more than capable of doing it.It has the power it has the brakes for it, meaning it has the go- go juice and also has the brakes which don’t forget about that. That’S just that’s more important than the go- go. You got to you’re not going to die if you don’t accelerate at a rapid rate. Now, if you don’t decelerate at a rapid rate when needed, you could get yourself in a lot of trouble, so I feel perfectly safe CU. My trailers are serviced brakes, bearings all that anyways it’s functional and that’s perfectly fine out that we, it gets 7 to8 miles to the gallon when I’m pushing North to 20,000 lbs.
Behind this truck it gets 7 to8. If the load is super aerodynamic, it can get into the nines. Now the the question, the BS to be asked, what speed do I travel at? I travel at 65 miles an hour into the high 60s at times when needed um. Once again, I’m the Pacific Northwest Rolling Hills a little bit of hill, climbs and whatnot, but that’s what you can B count 8 miles to the gallon.
Does it get lower, sometimes usually it’s just kind of plus minus 8 miles to the gallon. So that’s the fuel mileage around town – I don’t he I don’t haul heavy around town, so I couldn’t tell you for sure what the fuel mileage is going to be, but I what I can’t tell you for sure it’s going to be lower than 8 miles of The gallon, so let’s recap this video miles to gallon. Why does Paul say this thing get good fuel mileage when this thing’s empty, minimal, uh differentiation, different uh, minimal variance, my 14 around town would be behind half to 1 miles the gallon? Yes, that’s reported! That’S experienced now the same 14 on the interstate would probably be about 1 to 1.
ahead of this spard. Now, compared to 19, my 19, I had a crew cab, long bed 19 limited with the cumins in it, and it would do about the same because I had 373 gears and that that truck was decent fuel mileage and on the interstate that thing similar scenario, it Would be right there at the 19, which this thing would beat it right referring to beginning of this video, I told you guys at 73 to 75 miles hour set cruise no trailer. I could Bank on 20. It gets a little bit more than 20, but I can calculate for 20 and EXP expect 20 out of it as long as no extreme headwinds or rainstorms, or anything like that, where my 19 would get 19 M, the gallon sometimes 185. My mega cat, which was a 21 kind of struggled on the interstate – I don’t know why that truck struggled on the interstate, even around town.It struggled you know it it. Probably. My mega cap was probably the worst one on fuel uh out of all the trucks. I’Ve owned now that Mega cap probably had the sticky tires. Add the Falcons uh at3s, so the rolling resistance did increase with those tires, and I did notice a a difference in fuel mileage.
So, to compare my mega cab, I could Bank about 135 barely into the 14s around town, using the truck the way I’m using this one. Now, on the flip side on the interstate that mega cab would get 185, that’s the number. I would see a 75 mph due to the higher gearing and the higher revs at 75 miles an hour versus this one. What is there to say? What can I uh?
What can I sum this up with the reason I say it gets good fuel mileage is we’re forgetting one one, big uh element, the fact that this thing has 500 horse and 1,200 torque in those extreme cases. I did fail to mention that in the extreme cases when you’re Towing super heavy, I like to tow equipment, that’s that’s my little high when I tow equipment – I am, I love doing that and that’s usually heavy and quite a bit of wind drag depending what You Haul um, so my mega cab didn’t really dip into the sevens. It did kind of nines. So in that case, in that case alone, my mega cab had the upper hand wearing my 19 crew cab with a long bed, just kind of was in the set a now keep in mind, I’m the guy, that’s hold containers and heavy equipment. So I kind of have the Spectrum covered decently.
I also do a lot of light loads, but I also have haul them heavy excavators they’re, not excavators, they’re, like like them big bobcats, with all the hydraulic systems on it. You know the Bobcat alone with all the attachments and it’s pushing about 15,000 lb and my trailer is 9,000. You know in that case is 24 or in the case I haul those big case tractors. I think they’re, 18 185 backos four-wheel drive. You know a heavy, a heavy boy, a heavy backo.You know if the trailer or excuse me if the tractor is 1885, let’s just call it 18 and be conservative and the trailer that I’m pulling is 9,000. Well, that’s 277,000 lb and you know my mega capab. Never dipped into the sevens with that setup. You know it’s was holding that 85, which is phenomenal. You know comparable Landscaping and speed and all that so, hopefully covering you know all my experience with these trucks and my fleet trucks and all that, hopefully, this this kind of uh concludes summarizes.
Why I keep saying this truck: has good fuel mileage overall grand scheme of things? It’S probably poor compared to other people, but you know when you compare your 59 when you compare your other trucks, they don’t have that power you’re not going to keep up with me going up a hill and no I’m not playing King of the Hill. But I got that power for a reason I’m not using or abusing my truck to the max. You know I like to give it a load from time to time a good 75 % load not throttle load so um. You know with that being said: it’s good for the truck to be used and worked hard, but it has to be properly serviced, have to be properly maintained, not over roved, not lugged, and that’s and that in that manner, Spirit or uh in the manner of how You use your vehicle, there’s nothing wrong with working your vehicle really hard, but you know that is.
Let me underline DEA, that’s something! A lot of people don’t talk about. I have zero complaints with this truck. This truck is exponential exponentially with the de my 14 was minimalistic when it comes to in comparison with my 19 and my 21 uh def use this thing. It it’s it’s fine-tuned and I really like it um.
It does get annoying when I’m towing heavy. I mean I can’t even get two full tanks out of a tank uh out of a tank of death. Don’T fall off your seat. You guys got to remember. My fuel up is about 100 gallons.Why? Because I have a 60 gallon tank. Well. 69. Gallon tank in the bed of my truck uh, usually I put about 60 gallons right.
If I, if I remember right, no, I don’t put 60 gallons. No! No! No, I do I do back is about 55 60 and the bottom is usually about 40. So my fuel ups are 90 to 100 gallons and that’s one fuel up versus an average Joe.
You know 40, you know 48 49 gallon tank he’s probably using up 40 gallons instead of me. Like me, you know I could. I can completely dry out the auxiliary tank which sits up top and then it drains into the bottom one. So any anyways. My point is 1,000 mil on average of fuel up right, 10 mes the gallon easy math at 1,000 to 1,200 miles.
I use half a tank of uh def on average on average pulling my 15,000lb loads on the interstate. I get one DEF fuel up: every other Fuel Up to diesel ratio, it’s one to two ratio, so every 200 gallons of diesel I go through five gallons of De now in in those heavy halls. I struggle to to get much past one fuel up right. I don’t really get that one and a half I’d like to say it’s 1.5, but it’s not it’s.
It’S barely a fuel up, so I could use five gallons of Def to 100 gallons of diesels um. Now, in an average Joe scenario, just buting around put butting around town using a truck like I do, you know Average Joe, wouldn’t even hook up to a goose neck like I did, and I can still maintain 153, which is phenomenal um. You can expect a fuel of death so probably like one gallon to 1,000 miles like I could see this thing doing 5,000 miles with a single fuel. I I never achieve that because I rarely do this kind of stuff. You know the c153 on that gauge, because I’ve been put punting around town majority of the day for the last three days is, is not usually what the stroke get used for.
Anyways Fells, I’m going wrap this up. It’S became another long video, but I just want to close that subject of MPG and why I think it does what it does and why. My definition is good. You know the power and what you get for it is phenomenal anyways fellas. As always.
May the Lord bless you and may you all have a mighty fine day. God bless you! Cia, bye,