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All righty fellas, I need to be fair and I need to give credit where it’s due. Let’S talk about that exhaust break thing on this Ford, I keep calling it a joke and I never really gave it enough um. I never gave that statement a balance uh a balance, factual uh presentation, if I call it that right to my newcomers to this channel, hey I’m driving this forward for personal pleasure and get away with business um. I built my companies and I’m still running my companies on Ram 3500. That’S the Workhorse!
This is the hot rod, no I’m not bringing forts to my fleet because I just don’t see them lasting for as long as I like to see. My Rams lasting, of course, Ram did their thing to me in 23, all my 22s grenaded, so uh that’s a story for another time. I should make a story compare on with the Ford, but back to this whole exhaust break and – and why do I keep saying it – it does its job, but it’s a joke. So it’s specifically in the manual mode that I I’m used to in the rim that comings right you let off the throttle. It gives you what it has and then you get on the brakes.
It downshifts the gear, sometimes two and gives it all it has right. It’S on board: it’s it’s with the program here. Um, that’s the ram, the Ford M. If the computer doesn’t see the need you’re, not getting any help around here, not around town uh freeway is more predictable. I think it’s called a y sensor.
So that’s the sensor that it feels the GeForce you know forward the motion off center forward back left right, um! That’S the sensor that this exhaust brake Works based off right. So you, when you’re in town and you’re, not headed you’re, not nose, diving off of a a downhill you’re, not getting much help. That’S all the service braks now on the interstate kind of similar thing with the Ford well, not kind of it is on the interstate. When you’re going down the hill, that’s why a lot of you know YouTubers say this thing has plenty of exhaust brake power, especially when you have it in cruise control.
The computer has full control of it. It kicks in and out, and let me tell you that exhaust brake in this truck has plenty. Let’S show you up the exhaust brake in this truck has plenty of power. Has plenty of ability to uh to stop you right. All I’m asking for four to do.
Is for if you’re, listening B, when we have it in manual, please please, please, please keep it simple. That’S all we’re asking you to do. Keep it simple! It’S in manual the exhaust breake is in manual when I let off the throttle whatever gear. I am give me what it has if it has 20 % power, give me the 20 % exhaust brake.
I, if I need more uh braking power, I will override it. Downshift do whatever I have um your transmission mapping is is good. I can’t ask for anything better than the 24s 23s need an update. Yes, I own the 23 ho. Yes, we’ve been down that road.
If you’re curious, go watch some some of my older videos uh, but when it’s in manual mode, this thing unpredictable. Unless that yaw sensor sees a downhill um, if it’s sensing negative right, negative uh the front end going down, meaning we’re about to crush the hill, we’re about to to get some weight pushing us – and let me tell you when it does see this – it does phenomenal. It has the ability it’s in the tuning, it’s in the software, it’s in the electrical side of this. It’S not a mechanical absence of something this truck this morning. This morning is when I decided to make this video.I was cresting the hill. I was pulling about 20,000 lbs. This thing got sensors in all four corners, even before the sensor saw me nose diving before the sensor saw that I was about I’m I’m going on the other side of the bridge, I’m about to get pushed pretty hard. It started racking in and I mean that that exhaust break kicked in and let me tell you I couldn’t ask for more right, then what am I complaining? What I’m complaining about on the flats with that 20,000lb load same exact load, I’m stopping go traffic.
This thing has the ability to stop me mechanically, but software wise, it’s it’s in la la land. It doesn’t really do much for me. Yes, it kicks in. Yes it it’s assimilates something, but it’s a joke. That is what I’m calling a joke.
Now, when you’re on the interstate and you’re going down a hill it kicks in and it’s okay, yes, I’d like to have the Cummins uh strict program, strict uh software tuning um, for example, it’s very predictable, 99 % of the time on the cumins. I know exactly what it’s going to do and when it’s going to do it it it’s literally 1 % 1 %, It Might downshift, it might not down shift that kind of stuff. So safety call it. I am well in control and I have plenty of confidence in doing what I’m doing in the comments right. That’S why I never bought four trucks for my fleet, that’s one of the biggest things, because it’s a it’s a serious concern on the interstate.
Now I did say this thing has plenty of software on the interstate to hold you back, so it’s not life and death on the interstate. With this thing, this exhaust break is not a joke on the interesting but, for example, on the cumings right now, I’m coming to an exit. Trickers know this I’m coming to the exit. I would like to knock the cruise off and let the engine do all the high speed, so the higher that rotor spins it the H, hotter and quicker and exponential right quicker. It’S going to build heat.
I want to save my brakes. I want to save lives by keeping my brakes cool so right now. If this was it coming I’ll, knock the exhaust brake or knock the cruise in expect the exhaust brake to kick in, and then Co goes to a stop pretty much. That com will not be kicking until I don’t know 10 m hour, 10. 15 M hour.
You you got yourself all the braking in the world and when you got a Runway like that, that’s all you do! That’S why you hear them. Theyig old! You know big old semis right that trucker is just using that engine to stop and that’s what you need to do as a professional driver. You don’t need those service brakes on those high speeds, so I don’t want to make this long video.
I don’t want this to turn into a long video two parallels Cummins when you have on you have on Ford when you have on you know the manual mode, I’m talking specifically manual right now, you don’t get what you want. You never get. What you want. You get what the computer decides. You get, that’s how that one goes okay and as a driver that you can’t you can’t have that nonsense.
That’S why it just just pushes me irritates me so badly that they for can’t give us Ford if you’re listening. Please do your auto your auto, but your manual when the operator turns on manual give him a manual scenario. Give him a manual override give him the fact that once he gets off his cruise control like right now right I got off the cruise control it. It’S kicking in you hear the percentage, but it’s a joke like it. It ain’t, I’m coasting right, there’s not going to be a much difference for me to kick the exhaust breake in on off.I’M just coasting right. I got people behind me. I can’t slow down too much. That’S what we want. Keep your auto program.
Just change your manual. I know it can do it because, like I was saying this morning I was holding a a very heavy load coming off of a I mean it was in town 35, mph coming off of a bridge, nothing, nothing crazy. It wasn’t like a sharp, but it’s a bridge. After all, you know 3 %, maybe maybe in town no big deal. It definitely pushes you a little bit.
That’S it this bad boy calculated. Would a calor gave you all that you needed, but on the flats, when I’m doing 35 40 mph in town I’m trying to come to a Hal? It’S a joke! You don’t know what it’s going to do: 90 %! It’S not going to do Jack squiggly!
For you now what you need it to do and then you know, risk the percentage you get lucky and actually kicks in. I feel that Ford has technology in the transmission that they don’t talk about, maybe because they can’t understand it or maybe they can’t explain it that average joke can explain it or understand it shoot. I can’t talk today. I feel like Ford, can’t explain it in a way that Average Joe could grasp it, so they use the Hydraulics part of the transmission as you’re coming to a stop. We’Re talking really low uh speeds that I would call it a transmission break is really what I’d call Ford does it.
I felt it in my 23 and I felt it in this, so I think that’s how they ate that and it’s cool. You know no big deal, they they do what they do and they they use Hydraulics to slow you down. It’S phenomenal. Look it into. You know: hydraulic transmission brakes.
You you you’ll you’ll, see how the transmission works against it itself itself when it’s coming down, and it’s pretty cool props the Ford for that. I doesn’t have that so all in all you’re not going to die with this Ford, especially when you’re in cruise control and the computer has full control. It’S it’s with the program. So, overall on the interstate, you don’t have much to worry about. Yes, high speeds, that’s where that’s where you kill your brakes, that’s where it’s the the real issue, but as a a a professional driver, you want to be in control and truckers understand this.
You want that exhaust brake that engine brake to be there when you need it. So a simple scenario right now. Well, I kind of showed you one or talk spoke about one talk about another. I have my set cruise right. I have my manual loaded on.
If I were to knock off my you know, cancel my, I guess, I’m far enough, if I were to cancel my cruise control right now, I want for this truck to give all I can yes hypothetically. It has something something kid s is sing. I don’t want that. I want the Cummins all it could have the scenario. I know you guys are trying to give the operator a more um, not Leisure, but more luxury right, more comfortable ride.The computer doesn’t see the weight. There’S no need for that right. That’S what the computer’s telling you let that be for the automatic when I put this thing an automatic forward, let that be automatic! Let let your auto be your Auto and your manual be your manual. I can’t say it anymore, clear.
Give us the manual full on. I can’t say enough good stuff about this. Whatever this is, I can’t say enough good about that. I’M going to make a video for you guys about that that right there is a world a world of difference if you’re an operator and you’re trying to control your transmission. Now, I’m not talking about just taking it overriding and knocking off some gears, I’m not talking about that!
I’M talking about this booger when you put it in manual it locks and loads, and it keeps ninth for as long as it can that’s phenomenal AFF it. I really hope, RAM and Chevy get in with the program, because that is a really good feature, uh, so yeah. Hopefully it clears it up because I get asked all the time you know. People in my area know me and they’re like hey. What are you talking about the exhaust break?
You know I’ve watched this video uh popular. You know popular channels say that the exhaust Brak is just fine. It is when you’re in cruise control, it’s just fine, but my concern with cruise control. It does integrate the service brakes as well uh as if I’m hitting the brakes right, it does heat up the brakes. What I want to do just be able to to have full control of that truck, and no, I do not want my service brakes to kick in when I don’t want them to kick in.
Yes in cruise control. Comments does apply service brakes as well, but as a trucker you’ll understand, when you’re going through a pass, especially through a pass, you know steep down grades um, you don’t keep it in cruise control. You definitely don’t keep an in cruise control going throw a pass um. You can on a really light load, but heavier loads when you’re working the truck. You do not want crise control on so typically like.
If it’s a really Steep Hill, you kind of come off off top you you, you run the exhaust brake uh in a certain gear and you see how it handles it right, uh, long, steep, downhills, it’s life or death, guys! That’S how that one goes um. So when you’re really loaded like a trucker would right, you would grab a little bit lower gear, see that the truck has plenty of power in that gear. Then they would up a gear, but they they wouldn’t go from high to low. They would go from low to high right if that low gear has plenty of power, and you feel like the next gear, still be in check and control, and you upshift it right, but don’t no.
I didn’t just tell you to upshift going down the hill on a manual, but if you have the Assurance, if you have the Comfort level, then you do it right um, but you don’t start out at a high gear and then, oh, my God, I need to Grab a lower gear, it doesn’t work, it does not work that but anyways I’m going wrap up this video. I hope you guys see what I’m saying um yeah. I think I think I said what I wanted to say. I elaborated enough on it in the comment section. Let me know anything more specific or particular about this topic that you want to know, but I think it’s only fair for me to underline and and uh explain so you get an average gentleman can understand what I’m speaking about when I, when I’m calling him a Joke because clearly the technology is there, the the fundamental uh Hardware.
Is there it’s just the way they apply it at times it’s just m modeling. I just want my exhaust brake on. I want it to be on when I’m off the throttle. I want it to give me what I can and when I get on the brakes, sure, downshift and and there’s no issue with the transmission. It downshifts just fine, the the the programming uh when it comes with the when it comes to the transmission.
The the programming is fine with exhaust brake on or off. It is a little different. If you don’t, if you don’t, have a notice, try it. You know around town specifically, if your exhaust breaks on there, it is a little different anyways guys. As always, may the Lord bless you and may you all have a mighty F day CH by