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Oh America, it’s your boys, except for this boy wearing a really cute scarf. My Christmas scarf hey today we’re going up to. Where are we in cus Utah and we’re going to see how far we can make it up soapstone Basin Road, where we always go snowmobiling? Not enough snow there hopefully, and we can make it to the top yeah. The goal is to make it all the way, but it is December and it’s cold and there’s a chance that we might not be able to make it.
Our goal is to make it all the way there in these babies. Let’S get going we’re airing down, oh yeah, not to just get out of the parking lot yeah. We we have to dress something. We have to dress something every time we air down. We want to do it in the most convenient location, so right here we’re in a dirt parking lot.
Now, when someone sees the video at least when it’s in vertical form, they’ll say well, I could drive anything there. It’S like. I know we don’t usually want to air down in the most difficult terrain. We we do that before, because we’re boys Scouts you’re prepared. Well, I’m actually not a Boy Scout.
Well, I wasn’t either. I didn’t make it past first class. Well, I got I got. I got to life, so that’s good and when I say I got to life, my mom got life for me. She did and we I said that we’re not going to have the mom get the whole thing yeah.You want it you’re going to get it yourself and guess what Scouts died out. I remember they always would say this is going to help you so much when you’re applying for jobs – and I was like no it’s not. I got the salt and V ready to go a thing of nerds Rockstar recovery, so I’m healthy. So I think this is called Mirror Lake Highway that we’re heading up to the soap stone Basin turn off filmed a million things up here. It’S always fun to drive through here, especially in the winter time.
It’S not as snowy as I thought it would be, so we should be okay. I mean we’re going to go couple thousand ft in altitude. Here’S here’s the spot! This is where the car drops down. For the noan ad that we shot here, that’s right, I thought was across from but you’re right.
It is here. We could see him right through here and it’s great because you have all these trees in between the road and their road and it makes them look like they’re going really fast when they’re really not going that fast. Here we go, this gate is open, hey, and this is the spot where we show the two vehicles emerging in that no Kean out as well. This is just a gold mine area for shooting that spot. We got Rangers e.
Oh it’s, the Ranger boys. Oh it’s! The Ranger boys and the W, oh, the bridge, is out serious, hey the brid bridge is out huh closed. It’S closed, okay, the bridge. What happened?Did it wash out the old wood? One wasn’t cutting it anymore, huh brand new one in that’s, going to be two lanes how soon before snowmobiling? No all that’s part of it will be what enough to get snowmobiles through, probably huh yeah. The bridge is out at soapstone, so we’re going to go a little bit further down the canyon and go up a road called upper setting, see how far we can get. The whole thing is a exploration to see how deep the snow is and how far we can make it.
It’S kind of a lame place to camp out cuz. It’S not super difficult to get to. It is in your Subaru. It is in your Subaru, though little road down here is get roasted. I hope I don’t have.
My four-wheel drive crap. The bed like it did last episode. Uh. I think that’s just your drive modes kind of taking Corners a little slower cuz. I don’t have any studs I didn’t put studs in this set of snow tires.
First, first set what snow tires? Do you have on ever they’re the same Trail Hogs? They look like the good, your dur track. It’S a Indonesian knockoff of the dur track, but in 37 a goodear doesn’t make the dur track in a 37 yeah same thing with no ke there’s a bunch that they don’t make in a they don’t even have a lot of 35s right. Ah, they just focus on OEM sizes, most tire manufacturers focus on OEM sizes.That’S why BF Goodrich is so awesome in the off-road Community because they build all of the off-road tires and all of the sizes that are much larger than OEM yeah. It’S uh. It’S almost more comforting when you get into the deep snow cuz. You know that you’re yeah you’re not going to slide likely going to slide off of a cliff through two big ruts of deep snow, and this is just solid ice cuz. The Sun’s melted it just enough, I’m trying to keep up with you, and I can’t oh it’s starting to get a little deep.
Oh we’re getting up into the snow, bile trucks, yeah, there’s a little stream that we drove the Raptors through years ago. Are we getting close to that? Are that’s little spot? It’S been so long. Since I’ve been up here dang.
We need a camera down low to see the tires going through the snow yeah. We do wa W slippity. Oh, it is whoa. Pull on me just stay in my in my tracks: yeah I’m getting getting pulled off towards the edge jeez. Okay stay in the tracks.
Dude! This is hilarious. I have no traction. This is just general wheel, spin and floating in a random Direction. You might have to turn off your advanced track tracks in control.Oh, your advaned truck is off because you got you’re in Baja mode. This is just powder snow right here, just fluff yep it’s Frozen, not packed. It’S shaking not stirred. Oh yeah, oh yeah, that’s fluff, see I’m not catching a lot of that. Whoop who flew off the side.
Stop just keep going. I couldn’t it’s it. Wouldn’T. Let me turn that’s cuz. You are lame.
Sh, that’s cuz! You are scared. I don’t have as much experience flooring it I’m just I’m just a Tenderfoot. My whole life is all about flooring. It yeah you’re yeah.
I just need to embody that Spirit of floor. It that’s the attitude anyone has when anyone else is watching at the dunes in Moab Offroad anywhere, there’s a crowd there and they’re like well. I got to perform now. I got to just floor. It hold my beer, hold my beer floor.
It yeah here it is. Do we want to turn here yeah we want to go, see, let’s go see, let’s go see, it’s the untraveled road. We can get stuck and call Paul. The only way we can get him out of his house is if it’s a real emergency. Little does Paul not knows that he’s always our backup, no matter what yeah it’s right here, you passed it.
It’S got a sign. There now warning campers ooh. This is oo. This is deep. There’S some Footprints here warning campers dang yeah!
This is the exact spot where we had the Raptors Cru through splash, the cam. The forest service is considering closing this area. So it’s just us we’re trailblazing at this point. We’Re trailblazing, there’s not even a snowmobile track here. Okay, you know what that means: FL it FL Captain whoa, don’t go down there.
There’S drop your side, it’s crazy! How fluffy this snow is just powder. This is why people come to Utah to ski powder. Cuz, it stays cold and stays. I mean this at least warms up enough in Finland.It’S always multiple below. Oh and uh. It’S like sugar, oh that’s, pretty uh! That is pretty pre-collision, assist no assist sport mode. Yet, have you it’s in sport mode?
It’S just not in Baja holy cow. This is kidding. I can hear my abs working overtime. If you can hear your abs, then you’re you’re, not in Baja mode. No, I know don’t put it in B mode.
No, I like Bo Bozo mode. I mean no, I’m in sport mode cuz, then you’re engine’s fighting against the ABS. It’S trying to put the brakes on and your engine’s trying to go. It’S good. It’S great, there’s a turn off.
You want to go up or down. Are you sure you want to go down yeah she said down, she said down. Go down. Was that wrong man? What a creepy movie!
I grew up watching and I actually just love it. It’S one of my fav favorite movies, but what movie Labyrinth? Oh you’re, getting us in sketch territory, yeah Sketch territory. That’S why I was like. Why are we going down cuz?
We got lots of trees. We could winch up on now we’re starting to go down with even greater ease, which is it’s steep. It’S Ste. I think we can make it Famous Last Words good thing: I’ve got enough salt and vins to last. This just don’t slide into that rock, but there’s no UTS, no UTS.
We need some UTS chips. Any viewers that has UTS a aable send us some we’ll send you send us some UTS. I can tell we’re getting into deeper snow because your diff carve out in the snow is getting deeper Paul’s going to be so bummed did he want to go up this? He just loves snow, I mean he just freaking loves snow going to turn here. This is a loop just waiting for the comment.
You can’t do that can’t drive there. It’S going to be somewhere, you need to air down, didn’t have to back up skirt sweet. Hey look at that. Do you see that what a 30 point buck a 30 point buck? The 30 point buck 30 Buck?Oh a 30 point buck! Oh watch that tree on your right, oh yeah! I love this kind of off-road and think make it more intense. Is dark and then getting stuck? Oh jeez, we’re trailblazing!
Look at that yeah! That’S [, Music! ], fun! Oh! I need to get the Drone up.
Oh, come on! Oh i s! You! Don’T roll down your your window! Roll up, roll down your windows in the snow!
That’S funny, let’s see oh w, oh and because of you Paving the way, my trail is easier. There’S an analogy here: oh, what’s that no I’m concentrating on driving in the deep snow and not crashing the Drone. How can you focus when there’s a 30 point buck over there? [ Music, ]? 30.
Point bu. 30 point. Oh, this is great. This is great between trees. That’S a sketch!
That’S a little sketch! Oh you’re, stuck oh dude holy cow! Oh I’m! Just waiting for you to catch Rock fling it back at oh, oh, oh, I’m stuck you’re stuck yeah hold [ Music ] up. That was just a deep.
Like a drift nice, oh yeah, nice nice, you still F the Drone yeah. This is skill. You know all the oh, oh, oh, almost crashed. Oh what’, you hit the Drone almost hit. Oh the Drone.
I was like snow. It was right like an inch off the ground you’re in sport mode. Then no I’m in uh B mode. No, no! No!
No sport mode on the Drone – oh yes, but it’s still like right off the ground. Yeah! That’S what I mean like. If you weren’t in sport mode, it would say: hey, hey! I’M going to hit the ground, I’m going to hit the ground ground!
Oh you’re! I don’t know where the road goes from here. Oh, I think it goes to the right. Well, that a big loop, I wonder where we are on the loop, do I need a back up? Yes, no, okay, [, Music, ], oh man!
I I think this is not part of the should we look at the map. It looks like a road, I mean yeah, but I think this is a little tangent. I got past this by the skin of my teeth. It was less than an inch away. Oh running out of battery and that’s the only battery we have right now.I got two. Okay. Look a dirty point: buck! Oh crap! That’S what we’re calling this episode got.
Him got him it’s getting a little too sketch it’s getting pretty uh sketch in here. I I feel confident with the winching points, because we got millions, we just don’t have a rear winch, which would be nice, be nice in this yeah scenario, man that is maybe I should go down before you come down, yeah serious, every shot in this and the Interior camera is just going to show me eating, like Brad Pit in Oceans 11. Are we blocked here too? Oh, it’s blocked. There’S another of those poles every place is blocked now Utah’s Great Outdoors blocked.
Oh your spin. So is this a dead end? Yes, hey! That’S the water right there. No, this is the spot.
This is where it ends. It’S not blocked it’s just just. This is just where it ends: yeah where’s, the water, the water’s I mean. Obviously it’s covered in snow right here, yeah right there you think it’s Frozen. I mean that’s the only way the snow can sit on top of that.
Let’S go see. Let’S go see, you know what ever since I was a kid. I was terrified of uh, Mountain Rivers And leges, just because of iron will remember how he lost his dogs. Yeah, what about uh? Look, how big that is!
I think it’s rabbit tracks, that’s huge! You can tell we’re Outdoorsman! Look we’re not here for nature, we’re here for the Raptors. Oh, this is cool. This would be awesome to do donuts on.
That would be something that the forest service wouldn’t like. It is Frozen. How Frozen thick? Oh, it’s cracking. Oh, you see that over there.
What what is it a 30 point buck you got to yell Flo, it Captain Flo it we had uh superar blondie, just yeah tag us in a nice article. It was awesome, it was about our uh raptor versus the cyber check. Yeah, that’s kind of fun. I didn’t know she was YouTube till I saw she has 21 million Subs. I always saw her on Instagram and Facebook just a bunch of reals.
It was always like oh cool fun, car stuff, and then she was quick and quick content. Yeah quick content. Well, we didn’t make it to soapstone Basin, who knew whether the bridge would be out that stuff’s not on Google. The enta mountains are so beautiful. They are, we hate to leave them, but we got to go home and have some soup that what you’re going to do.I know I always say folks for some reason. I never say folks, let’s see if I can hit it, you can’t come close, not even close. Sorry go ahead, go ahead! All right. We came, we floored it and now we’re going thanks for watching Sterlings Wild West.