Bless Performance helped us out, got us a turb ski for the old Luma Duty. Anyways, Bless Performance got us a Smeding drop-in non-VGT turbo for the Aluma Duty because we got a Stage 3 Casky Whistler on it, and I’m telling you that thing does not spool worth a damn. If you want to do a race truck, awesome. Towing? Not so awesome. Ask this guy—we were coming back from Michana, yep, and uh, it shut off three times going up a hill like 30 mph, just the trans temp 240. Oh, oh, it was bad. Really bad.
Anyways, what we got in there? Probably hardware kit. Yeah, we don’t need that. How do I get this thing out? You have to flip it upside down. Think? Yeah, three hours later. What you got in there? That’s a gasket. Okay. Ooh, that’s some five-blade action right there, bro. These Cummins don’t know what’s coming after them. Okay, now—okay, damn, look at that thing. And she spins. That’s weird; it’s a lot tighter than Bri’s turbo. Alright, see ya dude.
You have to do me like that? I don’t know what’s going on. I would never do you like that. No, that thing is slick. This is going to be the worst part about it—the up pipes. Oh, that looks fun. Well, stay tuned; there’s going to be a lot of cursing going on. What’s going on, CJ? Oh, you know, cleaning up the bay because I gotta put a turbo in the Alum Duty. We’re supposed to leave in 3 hours, and that’s like a 7-hour job.
Hey, she sounds good, but she’s going to sound better. We won’t have that whistle anymore, but damn, what is that? What the hell is going on? My shit’s broken. Oh, I was hitting the wrong button. My bad. Yeah, it’s going to be a long day. We’re late for a very important date, but we gotta change this turbo out again. Like we said 177,000 times, I don’t know why I keep repeating myself. We need to get going on this. Oh God, what is that? What is a rat? Oh my gosh, bro, what is that? 11% rat’s been living in my hood. Linguini, come get your ass, for real. Damn, son, that’s going to be a pain, ain’t it? Hell yeah. I gotta drain the coolant—some of the coolant. I’ve got an oil change for it because I know I’m going to get coolant in the oil ’cause it mixes over there by the turbo.

Hey Pusher, Pusher Intakes, you see this? See all this gunk? We need an intake piping kit and the intercooler boot and all that ’cause this one—oh, that’s actually what I’m scared of. What if this turbo blows this freaking intake boot? Or not boot, but the pipe. They’re prone to splitting—not a good time. Enough yapping, I’m a certified yapper. I’m going to put that on a t-shirt: certified yapper. Time to get to work.
Got there, CJ—way too big of a turbsky. Not bad for towing; still a good turbo. KC Whistler sounds amazing. It’s a 10-blade, but uh, not for me, pal. These are some ugly turbos. Oh God, it is. Alright, on today’s day, you see that new case? Get that crew diesel merch, shop in CJ’s bio on Instagram. But do not buy Ford, okay? And if you’re going to buy it, just keep that stock. Don’t even delete it, just keep it stock. There ain’t no point in doing all this work and pulling out a turbo and throwing in another turbo and doing it all over again ’cause, uh, see, do you want hard-to-pick turbos? He thought it was a race truck. Still, power stroke. They all do SL. I mean, power stroke got my truck money, cash money in the hand.

Yeah, okay, but that guy’s going to come over with a compounded triple turbo. Yeah, I was just kidding, by the way. My truck’s so but yeah, don’t buy Ford. Honestly, you don’t even have a turbo on it—naturally aspirated 67 Cummins. How’s that working? No, well, it has a turbo, but the turbine on it’s pretty cooked. It gets here tomorrow, but we won’t be here tomorrow, so we’re pulling my truck all the way to Bless Performance in Gillette, Wyoming, with a turb—wait, is that where they make the razors? They actually do. That’s where it is, is it? No, I’m just kidding. Gillette, no. Don’t fall now. Almost—I almost fell. You almost fell. Don’t fall, fool.
Hold on, let me see you put that turbo in there. Hold on, let me get the angles right. Oh, wrong angle, wrong pedestal back there. That’s crazy. Don’t hit that gasket out. This is just right where I start getting a little irritated because, you know, Ford wanted to put half the damn engine under the cab. I—I don’t know why. We’ve got all this up here, but I—let’s just put half the engine under the cab. I’d probably work on it better if I just take the damn dash out and cut a hole in the firewall, being honest. Sounds about right, Ford. Well, well, well, where’s the cap for this dang thing? I don’t know. What, right here? I think I might have ate it. I think I might have eaten it.

It was a pretty easy night, wasn’t it? What? Hell no, it wasn’t. A bunch of cursing. Trust me, I know we didn’t get it on film, but a bunch of cursing from the both of us. Yeah, very rough. I think we put the turbo in and took it back out seven times. Seven times? Yeah, at least seven times. The intake—oh, don’t even get started. The intake—oh, at least 12 times. At least bare minimum 12 times. Then we had to move the intake for the charge pipe. Oh yeah, yeah. Had to rotate the turbo housing, compressor housing, had to rotate the exhaust housing. It’s been an absolute nightmare. But we got all the fluids topped off, and it’s about ready to start this old girl up.
You think it’s even going to make a difference, Casey? So the Casey Whistler obviously sounded like a 60, sounded pretty good, but a non-VGT five-blade? I don’t know. Let’s see what it sounds like. Everything’s popped off. That thing’s pretty loud. Is it? Oh, it’s loud. You can hear it come back here. Damn, I didn’t want to spool it up right away ’cause that has no oil on the turbo bearings. Just like you don’t want to do a Brian again. Well, Brian was low on what? So 67 C takes 3 gallons of oil? Yep, we added one gallon. Two gallons, brother. You only had one gallon in there, just messing around. I know, that freaking oil pump was like, “Oh!” Yeah, swear to God. Let’s tune this thing and see if it makes any difference.

What are we doing? Well, let’s go to the Easy Link Auto Agent. I don’t know what I should install. What do you think I should install? Just a tow tune, something slight. Nothing too crazy. Something slight, be cool on the turbo. Connect—it’s still a fault code because the turbo’s not plugged in and also it’s just being weird right now, but we’re going to get that taken care of with a quick tune.
Okay, it sounds healthier. Sounds like it’s not falling on its face anymore. Here, hold on.
Almost to the Bless Performance show. As you can tell, look at those wheels. Come here, let’s go look at them. This is, uh, like, this is only 13 hours of travel. We got two more hours to go. We decided to film the outro right now because it’s going to be dark when we get there. So, hope you guys enjoyed the video. Turbo is doing pretty great. Got a piping kit on the way thanks to Mr. Brian, and also a huge thanks to Brian for filming and helping me work on—huge thanks. And huge thanks to Smeding and Bless Performance, which we’re going to go see in 2 hours. But, uh, don’t let your wheels look like that—you’ll see in the show.

Super exciting news, guys—we got a brand new merch store, and when you order merch there, it actually gets delivered. You get your stuff that you ordered. We’ve got shirts, hoodies, long sleeve shirts, bathing suits—don’t tell your girlfriend, you’ll be a little upset, buddy. You name it, we’ve got it on the website. Go check it out—link in the description down below. And, uh, yeah, enjoy. I’m super excited for the launch. This is the first video to let you guys know about it.