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As some of you may know, most of you don’t, I have a 2019 Ram, which is a whole new world for me, because I have no idea how to work on a new car or anything about new cars or what is a sensor. So here I am trying to understand how to work on this truck, but luckily for me I have this man, oh the sun, this man who knows how to work on new cars, so he’s going to show us in this video how to take the silencer off Your turbo on one of these Rams Step One open your hood step, two for those that don’t know how to open your hood. It’S the lever underneath your dash on the left side on no it’s in the center. Oh this, your intake, your intake box, your intake tube, and it goes straight to your turbo. So these so for some reason, Ram doesn’t want you to listen to your turbo or doesn’t want other people to listen to your turbo.
So what they do is they put a silencer, that’s pressed into the housing and it’s secured with three pins, and on top of that on your intake, they put this foam piece of thing in your intake. So you don’t hear anything today, we’re going to remove that and we’ll show you before and after so what you do. Is you remove your intake tape? Taada, 30. Okay, we’re going to open this up, so the older versions has a hose clamp here.That’S similar to this Ram chain it to prevent you from going in so we’re just going to cut these clamps and we’ll show you what’s inside. Should we make this like a how-to like when you first get hired at a dealership? Video, like don’t forget, to disconnect your battery before any underhood maintenance. Oh yeah that’ be funny okay. Well, I just did it so.
Oh, you know what it should be funny make fun of those people that barely lift up their CS and they put wheel chalks on their. Oh yeah chalk your vehicle to prevent any rolling while lifting your truck off the blah blah blah in and do a shake CH Shake test when you lift it onto the rack and the shake test is like ridiculous. No, but I mean it’s not bad advice. So if you don’t want to cut your band, get yourself some pliers you’re, going to put one end of the the plier here and the other end of the plier on this tab. Then you’re going to close your pliers like that, slowly enough then you’re going to grab yourself a screwdriver pop.It comes off that way. You can reuse it and not use zip ties like what we were planning on doing so next step separating the rubber boots from the plastic housing. You just pry this off one top one wow, that’s probably the hardest part of this thing. This is what you have wow yeah that so this there’s a whole science behind this. Oh, they took it off the last owner.
No, this one doesn’t have it, oh, so on the other. So this is a 19 with a newer engine, not sure I think it was. I don’t know, did they say what year I don’t remember what year, but it has like 5,000 miles on it yeah. So the truck sometime in its life recently like what in August got it’s. They replaced the engine on it, so it has an updated engine, so we have a CP3 mounted to it.So on the other ones. You have this air deflector, because this is so okay, I’m not putting it back on, but whatever so you can tell the sharp angle the air has to go into the turbo and there’s a whole signs behind it. I’M not going to get into it, but it’s kind of like a air def deflector to hit the center of the turbo. This one doesn’t have it for some reason. Maybe science changed science, always changes.
So technically we can remove this, no see how it goes, but we could put this back. The main thing is noise. What you do is you just pry this out? Oh, so what you do is you just put back. Fixed next step is removing your turbo compressor housing.So that’s just a few hoses intercooler piping and two or three bolts. It comes out, but this is your silencer right here, we’ll be taking it off all right, so we’re getting our intercooler piping. It’S one band with a bolt grab a 11 mm and a long extension and a pink ratchet make sure it’s a pink, ratchet yeah. Now we’re able to take it off next upep. You have a little vacuum hose right here.
You just grab that go up on that. Take it off, put it to the side. Okay, so now you’re going to get the hose; well, not a hose clamp, but it’s a vband that holds your compressor side of the turbo to the turbo assembly. Uh you’re going to want to get an extension and a s. Swivel 11, like I said, a pink Snap-on ratchet, make sure you don’t lose your nut.Cuz it’ll be a mission to to find it. That’S a good idea to hold it over there. So I have a a window on mine yeah. So what you do is once you have that on uh once you have the nut off, go ahead and like just separate the vband, and it should just come on out like that, like so be careful, hot God, damn well you’re only supposed to work on an Engine when it’s warmed up yeah careful, don’t damage not to damage your compressor wheel, yeah, I mean your turbo and that’s it. This is what makes you go well, it’ll, be nice to be able to hear it yeah you hear it mhm huge yeah.
Okay, let’s get down from this, all right, so here is the compressor housing of the turbo. So the silencer is this. This is pressed in and it’s held on by three pins. You drill those out now. You also want to be mindful of your PCV uh of this fitting right here only because this whole thing it’s this and this that comes out – and this is in the way, but we’ll drill them out first and deal with that later.Here’S that pin now you get your extension and the big boy, the medium boy pound it until it comes off, don’t be afraid to pound it either and it’s coming see. You’Ve hurt the Lum in the voila, see how much bigger that is, that small intake to a bigger intake, but then it Go smaller here again. Why ow? That’S that! So now you just reinstall everything in Reverse sequence, when you’re drilling this don’t be afraid if you damage your outer lip like.
I did here. The intake tube goes over all of this, so essentially it’s still sealing it’s a a complete seal regardless. So this whole swap or not swap, but this whole modification is pretty good for if you’re like us and you live in California and people are shitty about deleting your truck, but this isn’t like deleting it. I will still pass smog if I need to this is just so. I can hear the turbo, so you know you have a diesel yeah yeah.
So it’s not going to sound like a jet when I turn it on not yet not not not yet not until we go to Utah. So here it is. I am so excited about this yeah see this. Why I’m working on new car sucks? It’S all plastic!
One thing I hate is these plastic pieces of, so when you’re putting it in be careful with your propeller REM, mind yourself, it’s fully exposed and don’t hurt. It want to damage it or you’re paying for it. You don’t want to hurt its feelings or my feelings. There you go remember the orientation so before you completely tighten everything up, you want to connect your intake tube, I mean your intercooler tube and, finally, you want to reconnect your vacuum hose or your breather hose. Sorry.So as as you can see, I not using an extension, that’s because I want my life to be a lot easier, so when you install this you’re able to put the vclamp wherever you want – and I put it where it’s accessible with just these two things. Lastly, you want to do your intercooler hose go ahead and tighten it up, make sure you’re where you need to be. You never want to tighten it if you’re, not on the proper spot. Okay, I’m going to start up the car or the truck and we’re going to see how it sounds it didn’t have as many sensors as I thought it was going to have. So I think anybody can pretty much do this.
and in case anybody’s wondering no, it does not throw a check engine light. Okay, so first we’re going to do an incap noise, it’s very silent, but it’s a lot more than it used to be, and then I’m going to turn around up here and put the phone in the engine base. So you guys can hear that floor, thanks for watching this how-to video on how to delete your turbo silencer off your fifth gen Cummins comment below with what you think like And subscribe.