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Last time on dragon, ball, z, well time to rebuild it, even though i just got done building it. What you doing there bud putting the stocks back on the 26 by 16’s are going on a new rig, so we’re going for it see you soon, it’s mustang! I see rock lights that does look, bad scared. Yeah, i mean come on. Oh short, guy drives it sorry.
I got ta back this seat up. Oh yeah yeah cause i’m like, six, five yeah. I don’t know: oh i, like those look at this headliner, pretty pin. Oh damn, sunroof yeah, not move, but still like a starlight headliner. Oh, let’s see what this baby’s got.
Dude thing sounds nasty. It does sound pretty rough. I have no idea. Oh yeah, there’s a train right there, jesus christ, yo yeah. I got up what the.
It rolls out pretty good it does. I can hit the turbo it’s a jet. What is this? That’S too many buttons tuner, oh okay, oh every sticker adds at least oh wow bro there’s so many horsepower right here. Oh green light, oh got ta go!
Oh jesus. We’Re gon na die in the school zone. That means get rowdy. That is not what that means. What do you think i like it, you like it, i do.
Ac is cold. Oh yeah ice cold, water truck. It has to be cool. Let’S put this back down, i can’t see seats, they’re all mint, minty, mint tina that, like the tan because mine’s all brown on the inside, oh yeah, it is isn’t it. I do like the caramel actually because i’ve always liked the caramel insides you like them caramel.
I do actually what’s this rock lights, maybe or the stars stars? Oh god, damn is that thing loud bro. It literally skirted the tires. What , you’re insane monster truck like they have medians, i don’t even care i’ll just go up on them. I mean that one’s actually a big one.
I don’t know it’s not my truck yet i do you think. He’S gon na smell the rubber, maybe he’ll smell it and be proud. It’S a good thing. I’M not keeping these tires. We just roasted them.
I want you to drive it because you drive lifting trucks more than i do. Oh, that’s actually kind of true. I come in handy for once we’ll just go up on the curb. Oh, oh, oh yeah. Whatever it’s i mean it’s a, it’s a monster truck has a it.
Has a backup camera in the mirror. Oh, i didn’t even see that i was going forward too much. I want gabe to drive it because he drives monster trucks more than i do. I know what does monster truck gabe think about it. I’M this i’m pretty impressed.
Actually really so you dig it. I uh you want my corvette trans temple, temp, looking good still after just beat the out of it yeah, it’s really cool. It really sounds like a 747. This is just a test drive, i think, uh. I think we better go before they change your mind: game curl production flip it down.tight, fit huh a little bit. These are dirtiest whoa cuz. I just wrecked my truck. So these are like super. Dirty from the ditch, so.
The thing rolls out we’re literally doing 90 and 100,People said: lift the trucks ride like for real. Oh i about broke my back and it’s a dooley. Oh my god, there’s so much room for activities. Oh that’s a lamborghini lamborghini. They spun.
They spun the rods and the original motors. Only got 85 000 on the body; they brought it to a shop because the guy was moving up north and um the shop just like neglected it and didn’t finish doing what they were supposed to do. He came back two years later and it’s only in the truck no wiring harness connected or anything like that, and now i’m trading it for another daily. This one in the magazine and right yep, this one’s been in magazines back in 96..
Damn he’s been building trucks before trees were even born since the last time we were here all these are new. We’Ve never even seen this. If you go back on the channel like six months yeah, i have a video of all the cars that were here. They are all now sold. Okay, all right, hey, do not break your brand.New truck. Also turn off traction control, oh where’s, it at right there, oh now it should blow the tires off. You don’t have to hold it like the illuminati nope holy god whoops. The king’s laughing person behind us is freaking out bro. We thought we were ordered.
Dude. Look at this kid’s driveway. Oh, i know it’s not even a driveway, it says a yard yard and half of them aren’t even there’s only a quarter of them. So we’re still in florida, we’re gon na go film, actually go watch. The trucks gabe, i think, is washing my truck, so we’ll just go check that out what the is.
My truck torn apart. Don’T worry about it. Oh my god. There’S a whole thing torn apart: you, there’s like a trend. That’S going on.
I got my new whip here and then thomas t king. He has his freaking sick, ass, secondhand man, this guy just rolled up out of nowhere. He just rolls up so, hmm, so, hey that crew, diesel guy. Oh my god, that’s literally my dream. Color too people.
Don’T realize what we do. Are we ready to go? Get the wheels now all right, yeah people don’t realize what we do to uh travel like 25 hours. Uh. What time is it 4?
Am that’s not four, it is. It literally is and we’re picking up, wheels and just throwing them on yup and then driving another like 10 hour 12 hours yeah i haven’t slept yet. I know i is tired: same hey, gabe. You want to fill up my truck. Stop!
I’M sorry. I seem to have misplaced my wallet.