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All right, 26 PSI. I am hearing a really weird whistle noise coming from the turbo a little underpowered. That’S our issue! That’S! What’S causing our issue!
Our veins are not opening. So let me get you guys up to speed, really quick you’re. Looking at a 2013 Chevy, Silverado 2500 HD LML Duramax, the last video that I posted on it, it came into my shop. It actually belongs to a family member and he originally took it to the dealership because he was having an issue with his turbo. There was a check engine light.
They basically replaced the vein position sensor. It didn’t fix the problem, he took it back and they said that it’s a turbo now, unfortunately, the dealership quoted him at a tall price of $ 8,000 to remove and replace the old turbo. So I decided to help him out. I brought it to my shop and I pulled the cab. We pulled the turbo and lo and behold the veins were not moving, they were not opening and closing they were sticking before I even pulled the cab.
I ran the Diagnostics and noticed that the vein position was at 20 % when it was supposed to be at 90 %. So that’s obviously concerning and my suspicion was absolutely correct. They were stuck veins and I hope this doesn’t happen to you guys and I said it in the last video but work your truck. If you have a diesel truck work, it pull a trailer uh get on it every once in a while. I’M not saying abuse your equipment but open her up every once in a while get the exhaust gas temps up make sure that those veins are sweeping but listen.
This is just a follow-up video I’m going to install an RDS Pro Stock 10 blade, LML, turbo Garrett turbo in this durama Max today we’re going to fire it up for the first time. I’M also really curious to hear what it sounds like with that new 10 blade in this truck with it being completely emissions intact with the muffler. Are you actually going to hear it? I think you will, and immediately after I get done with the truck we’re going to be announcing a big giveaway at the very end of the video. I think it’s going to be worth your time to watch.
There’S a lot to do in this video and I’m hoping that I can cram it all into one, but a huge shipment came in from a tool. Company called SP tools. As a matter of fact, this is one of their tool boxes. I’Ve been using this for a while, but SP tools has been around for a very long time. They make quality stuff and I’m so excited to unbox all the stuff and show it to you.So we’re going to cram all of that in this video today and with all of that being said, let’s go ahead and get wrenching. I’Ve had this truck in my shop for about a week now, just waiting on all the parts and pieces, and I was just playing with these veins, seeing if I can turn any of them, I shot some WD40 on them. Some of them started to break free. Like that one, that’s what it’s supposed to look like, but this is the rest of the turbo. Isn’T that crazy, though 91,000 Mi on this truck and we’re already having issues, but it’s because the truck just never works, and that’s really the big thing.
I don’t want to go on a rant but work your diesel truck. If you own One Work It so, here’s the Box, Ryan’s Diesel Service. I sell these turbos on my website, dur max power, stroke or Cummins. I’Ve literally installed dozens of these turbos on these diesel trucks, and I have had zero issues whatsoever. You guys got to boostly test stuff I’ll talk about that a little bit later, but that’s so important.
This is not a remanufactured un unit. This is brand new. If you purchase any of these turbos, there is no core needed whatsoever. So keep your turbo. If it’s still good, you can sell it, keep it on the side.
Just in case you can purchase the install Kit separate. I believe it’s a $ 75 option and it does come with a brand new vein position. Sensor. Look at that now it’s pretty early in the morning. I wanted to jump on this early.
That way I can get this video knocked out and posted for you guys it was actually pretty funny. I was reading some of the comments in the last video from some of you guys, you’re getting pretty worked up because I pulled the cab on this Duramax to remove a turbo. You don’t have to pull a cab. I’M only doing that because I have a hoist. It’S so much easier to pull the cab, but so don’t get scared about doing this job.
I do have a couple YouTube videos on how to remove and install a turbo if you guys want to check that out. So let me fast forward you guys really quick. We have the turbo finally prepped good to go, got the gaskets on there. The drain tube, all of the coolant lines that we need took a permanent marker and highlighted the RDS got to leave my mark, of course, but we are good to go. I’M going to go ahead and get this thing put on the engine, install everything all the gaskets on there.The up pipes, get everything squared away and we’ll go ahead and get this cab down. I guess at this point I’m going to go ahead and lower the cab and start plugging all this stuff. Together, it’s no fun but we’re going to get through it and then hopefully I can go ahead and get this truck started by the way that big, old rust spot right there I checked it out. I actually boost leak tested this pipe. It’S still good, but I have a new Hot Side coming in right now, as we speak, but it’ll take about 3 or 4 days for it to get here, and I want to get this video closed out and that doesn’t take long to install anyway.
So I’m going to rip this thing off right when I get that part in so we can replace that. But look at that that is terrible and one more thing. That’S kind of irking me a little bit. I know it’s money, that’s what it comes down to, but man, the cab up might as well do a CP3 conversion, but you know it is what it. Is you see?
The idea here is when the AC compressor is disconnected from the engine. It goes up with the cab that way. I don’t have to discharge the AC system, I’m going to go ahead and back it up, so I can get it out of the Hoist area, so I can start checking for leaks, but nice fired right up, not bad. We did have an engine light, but that’s to be expected. Actually we had like 30 codes.
I just went ahead and deleted them. There’S no sense checking all of them just because I had everything disconnected I’m going to do this in the morning. I’M going to do the vein position sensor relearn, but look at that 95 %. The computer last time was saying that it should have been at like 90 to 94 %. It’S pretty much dead on already with this truck being completely emissions intact.
Listen to this, but anyways I’m going to go ahead and pull it back in the garage shut, the door take a shower. I need to go to bed I’ll get back with you guys in the morning. It’S been a long day already, but yes, all right. Welcome back it’s the very next day we’re ready to go. I’M going to go ahead and put the bumper on this thing.I’M going to get it started, I’m going to pull it out of the garage. Let it sit for about 20 minutes. Warm up put the coolant in it, but this will be my very first time, listening to a 10 blade, RDS turbo on a fully emissions intact Duramax. So this would be cool to share this experience with you guys all right, I’m done! Let’S go ahead and get back to work!
So just like the last test before I pulled this cab, we’re going to click on desired vein position versus the actual vein position just hit custom, so, as you guys can tell we’re sitting at 90 %. That’S where the ECM is saying, that’s where it should be and we are currently at 90 %. So if I raise idle here, these numbers should look very similar. It’S pretty awesome! It didn’t look like that before guys before I replaced this turbo.
It said desired 90, like 20 20 %. So now the veins open and close dud she’s moving way better than last time. It should anyways that feels so good everything’s, so steady before she was a little underpowered but come on man when you have a turbo diesel, even with the emissions on it, you do kind of want to hear that turbo a little bit. This is definitely a huge upgrade for some of you guys that want to just keep things simple and stock and actually get a little more power out of this cuz. This thing this thing eats man.
I just want to double and triple check everything that I do. I just want to make sure everything is correct before it goes back to the guy, but I’m happy I’m sure he will be too and she sounds great. Let’S go ahead and get her back to the house, but I guess what I’m trying to say is just make sure that your veins have full range of motion on your turbo. Make sure that they’re not sticking and again make sure you work your truck. That’S basically it I’m done with that.
All right, let’s go ahead and get into the huge SP tools unboxing and to kick off the new year. Not only that I’m going to be announcing the big giveaway that we’re going to be doing on the website, which I’m so excited to show you guys, I’m so pumped. So we have a lot of stuff in store. Let’S go ahead and bring all that here in the garage and let’s go ahead and get unboxing it’s Christmas boys. Let me show you guys what I got.
I got three pallets of toolbox stuff and I’m going to show you guys exactly what I have. I am so pumped all right, so here we go figured I’d share this experience with you guys, but we have a big shipment coming here from SP tools. I’Ve been using the SP tool line for many years. As a matter of fact, I run one of their largest tool boxes, which is the Sumo series and with all of the work that I do here in the shop, this is an absolute 8. This is definitely going to make my life a whole lot easier.
So we’re going to go ahead and unbox these. Of course we have this box right here, which I think you guys probably know what that is, that’s going to be a tool box in this boohemoth right here weighs approximately 990 lb. My tractor was struggling. This will be much needed in the garage. I went ahead and picked up a 10g SP tools.Vacuum SL, blower 5 horsepower shopback. This isn’t your Walmart brand! These are very commercial grade. This is the part number for this product right here. All right, I’m going to go ahead and assemble this right now.
Another thing that I’m unboxing is the 12 to 24 volt SP tools, MX boost, I’m glad. I picked this up because the portable jump starter that I currently have finally died on me as far as being portable and getting outside and jumping any one of these vehicles that I own. This is probably one of the strongest jump packs on the market, but this jump pack is going to serve me well for many years, I’m really pumped about having this. Oh man. This is .awesome,
oh boy, all right! So this box, it’s going to go on for days. Let me show you what I got um. You know what okay, we got a lot of stuff. You know, I’m not exactly sure how I’m going to attack this unboxing video, I’m going to open this up.
First and then I’m going to go ahead and start opening up the packages that have the tools in them, so I can start putting them in draws. I do plan on making a separate video on my YouTube channel on the review of this toolbox. These are not cheap, lowquality toolboxes. These are very, very high quality. Here we.
Go can’t go wrong with black nice stainless steel top I’m going to assemble this right now, but you’re. Looking at a 34in tool trolley, I have to put everything together. I’M going to put the casters on there we’re going to roll this thing around, but what is is in the box. That’S the question: what is in your? What comes with it when you buy it?So, of course, you going have your keys and all of your pads needed to uh install them in all the drawers you can’t slam. These drawers. Look how beefy these casters are think a little overkill for this small box, but that’s okay. I think the trick here is when I put these wheels on how in the world am I going to flip it back up right. I guess we’ll figure that out once we get there, yes.
So we’ll talk a little bit more about the dimensions of the box, but right now we just have a lot to do so. Let’S go ahead and get to the center box with all the tools, all the goodies, we’ll go ahead and load. This thing up right now, all. So I think I’m going to go ahead and just take a break and burn some cardboard cuz. We have a lot of cardboard to burn and then we’ll go ahead and get back to this, but I got to clear my mind.
This is going to be a lot of work. I think maybe I just got to figure out how to get this thing off of the ground, so I can put the wheels on it, so I can actually roll it around, but this cable is a beast, all right, so I went ahead off camera. I went and just put the wheels on it, so I think we’re ready to go. We can put it down and then we’ll go ahe and get the handle on it.
It moves really nice for being so heavy. That is really good. I probably could go a little bit higher, but I would say this table is going to go up about 6t up in the air. That’S crazy, but this is really going to be super helpful. For me, when I’m pulling transmissions and also fuel tanks, believe it or not, I pull a lot of fuel tanks on these trucks.
I get the truck on the Hoist. If I’m doing a fuel setting unit, I usually drop the tank, and this is going to come in key the way I normally remove fuel tanks. Is I lower the truck remove the fuel tank, let it fall on this table and then pick the truck back up. That’S usually what I use. I use this little stainless steel table, but not anymore.That’S awesome. It also has greaseable Zer all the little safety features and fittings you can actually lock the wheel in a certain position. You can lock all the wheels you can also tilt the table, little adjustable knob. You can raise and lower it how fast or how slow you want it to go going down, but I did want to pick up one of these tool boxes for me. That way, when I’m working way over here, which I know my garage, isn’t very big.
But if I’m working like way over there or something I can just simply roll that, instead of having to walk back and forth to the cart, I have everything that I need in here, as you guys can tell big huge, deep toolbox bottom drawer right here. I’M going to fill this thing up, I know I will right now. We just have some SP tools lights in there, which I will most definitely be using. I’Ve been using this for about 3 years now and, as you guys can tell she’s a little beat up, but here we go Hammers and chisels. We got all of our wrenches, all of our large wrenches, all of our smaller ones.
All our standard metric everything open-ended everything that I’m absolutely going to need. Of course, my screwdrivers, my Alum wrenches, a very nice set of snap, ring pliers adjustable wrenches. You got to admit this looks really cool check out the organization right there. If I’m missing a socket, it’s going to drive me nuts, but I’m very happy with the SP tool line. So this is sort of the idea right here since I picked up one of these SP tools – 34-in tool boxes, I thought, since I’ve been doing giveaways every month, we’re going to go ahead and give one away.
So I’m not even going to unbox this one person’s going to win one of these, I’m going to ship it right to their house. So again, I’m going to keep this tool cart for myself and then one of you are going to win it. So the only way to do that is to go. Go to my website. Truckmaster deo.
om pick up anything on the website. Every $ 1 spent is one automatic entry, and at that point, once this contest ends, one random person will be selected to win a brand new toolbox so head over to the website I’ll leave that link in the description below. But if you guys want to check out their tool line I’ll leave their website in the description below it’s going to be SP tools, so definitely check these guys out. I thank God every single day that I can make YouTube videos and share the knowledge with you guys but hey that is it I’m going to go ahead and get back to work,We’Ll see you on the next one stay tuned,