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voila welcome to vehicle cribs with Mah. So today I figured, I probably need to make an updated version of my vehicle collection, so we’re here in my shop and I’m going to show you some things all right so took Meredith to Chick-fil-A and to see a movie one day about two months ago. We got Chick-fil-A, we never seen the movie, we went to the Chevrolet dealership, picked up a 2024 Denali ultimate and we’ll have to do one on her car when we get to the house cuz it’s pimping, but this is the Denali ultimate um. I’M really bad. To take reliable vehicles and make them super unreliable, but that wasn’t the case with this one took it to Smiths in West Asheville.
Had him put a four and a half inch Cognito lift on it. Some 37in mud Grapplers with some 20-in black Denali reps super clean. The inside of these is really funct way. Yep yep I had to stumble upon this feature, trying to put fade in the bed from Tractor Supply. They didn’t tell me I had this at all talk about freaking, damn talk about tailgate gold right there.
Let’S see, let’s see how this thing sounds: that’s Phil Robertson see yeah, it’s cool. It’S nice, it’s reliable, it’s clean, but there’s no telling when it’s going to be able to get deleted. So how long I keep it, maybe for the next four months. If I can’t get it deleted by then it’s going byebye, cuz yeah. If it don’t go, I don’t want it.I don’t want it 2018 GT 350 Shelby wrapped in the Dolph camo from my friends at Atlanta Custom wraps me and Keever literally sent this through my fence One Night backwards. Oh I’ve not drove this car in like four months, maybe so uh. It’S dirty, but it is loud. You ready, Bob, just WRA s stock uh. The only thing I done to it was when I uh Meredith had rode in every one of my vehicles, except for this one.
It was like 2 months after we were together and I was like man, you know what would probably make her like me more if I took it to the muffler shop and had them completely just cut it off, and now I hate myself every time I drive This thing, and so does she, because it’s obnoxiously loud now but yeah, there’s the 2018 GT 350 sixspeed Shelby. This is my 1977 Bard F-150 Ranger with a 12 Val. Let’S go right here. You got the bread and butter of the whole machine. Show them Bob show them what’s in there.
You see this right here, got to put that back in that’s the God: okay, okay, oh God, I’m up here like big bird, my birds, ni freak thanks for the lot man appreciate it. Okay, 12 valve um. It’S still be pumped, which is a bummer, but we freaking put a bigger turbo on it. Put uh different head studs in it put bigger injectors in it drop my freaking M hello, testing drop the mic. Sorry, we done pretty pretty much everything you can do to one with a V pump without having to P pump swap it if you turn the flash on for too long overheats.So we’re really raw dogging this in the dark. Now so here’s the inside. It is a zf5 t with with the cow hide with the with the wood grain we gripping on the steering wheel and a thumping system. Let’S give it a little go for him: bobob see if it’ll start actually come on. start good God.
It has one eight in it. This is the loudest freaking. Eight I’ve ever heard in my life clean all black TI with some 35 in tires on to the next one fan favorite there. She is she’s alive, my God, it’s snow white. This is my legendary 2003 Ford, F350 60, the OG snow wiiz up.
She is trashed. Honestly she’s super trashed looks like damn: yeah go, look at the back tire. Compared to this. The back tires look brand new Bro kind of we got like YT yeah. You see yep mhm, okay Bo, nothing.That is what happens when you need a whole front. End rebuild an alignment ball, joints tie rods and a thousand different prayers, hoping you don’t road walk off the road so, but I did give her a good cleaning on the inside kind of this was completely trash. There was um horse tack everywhere yeah, but it looks a lot better better. Now people always ask me: do you still have snow white? Did you sell Snow White ke?
If you don’t bury me in this truck, I’m going to haunt you hold on there, we go Fire’s right up, buddy little, walk, yeah, Snow White breaks and then gets fixed and then runs for two weeks and then breaks and gets Fixed and then the cycle just continues, and then we take it back to back to Hayden my mechanic and well, it’s just a never ending LoveHate relationship with Snow White. I would fight a toddler over this truck um. I love this truck. I think it’s kind of sentimental cuz. This is the first vehicle.
I bought brand new uh that belongs to me so yeah built by Blake Fitzgerald, shout out to you Blake for shout out to Blake uh. We put a 6 in Striker 4link kit front to back baller troll blue powder coat, we’ve got the jtx in the front and the back these up front are 28 by 14s. Yes, they do spin. Indeed, got some big old tars got a full Bradford built four box utility bed. I think it’s set it off like a booy song.I do like it come this way and you’ll find oh, what’s that, what’s that keeper a banjo in my back seat, do you want to tell them why there’s a banjo in my back seat, music got rope. Music got wrote, Bobby’s on a song, banjo got picked so, as you see, there’s no headress and there’s no console lid because I took them off well. Meredith took them them off. We packaged them up, put them in a box, send them to Austin Texas, cuz they’re. Getting some tooled leather and they’ll be in probably in a couple weeks, so it looks a little naked in there right now, but I can’t drive nothing that ain’t loud and semif Fast.
So I had this truck for a month. It had literally 600 miles on it and I said rip it apart, tune it and delete it because screw the EPA. That’S why you hear me do EPA yeah went to the junkyard uh got a 21 model ECM took the junk ass 23 off. It’S still laying in my barn, if you need a ECM for a 23, I will send it to you got all that, put that on tuned it and deleted it. It sounds fantastic think we should let them hear it Bob.
They should. Okay, very diesel gang very ktie, Noel, very Dem buil, which there’ll be a vlog on that next day, picked up, there’ll, be a vlog on that, and my OBS on 26s is in London because we’re getting ready to rip the 73 guts out of it. And you guessed it we’re going to put a 125 in it per usual. The hell happened to that one. That’S that looks like something you have that looks like a Katy, Noel, truck right.There. Look at that! That’S denim! If y’all forgot about denim, it is no longer mine. I sold it to my friend miky and he keeps it he CS it.
He keeps it way cleaner than I ever did and babies it more than I ever have, because I was taking that up side by side, trails and stuff not going to take the this ain’t really a vehicle. It’S is cool um. This was my dream as a kid. I grew up going out on the lake, skiing and stuff, and I always told my mom and my dad. This was my dream.
I got. I wanted a big nice wake boat, so got a 2024 Supra SL 450. From my guys, down at Premier water sports in North Lake Tennessee, so if you’re looking for Supra Mumba boats go see Rocky Rocky you’re welcome for the plug 2024 GTX 300 supercharged and we rode it like twice slightly used. It is for sale. If anybody wants jet ski come, get this one slightly used ceramic cated, pretty nice.Okay, how I got here, I traded a a brand new Razer traded, a brand new 700 r, Raptor four-wheeler and a utility trailer that I haul the razor on for this truck. This truck at the time was just the way it is except for it was white had the wheels on it. It was white and it was bone stock. It’S not bone stock anymore, with compound turboed 12 valve. In it fun fact, it has Gabe, verrell’s murder, Ram, P pump in it and it has gabes motor and BRS out of his big blue second gen, bought that from Gabe uh and then Cole built it all right.
So this is a lengthy list. This is what’s all done and I’m reading this straight out of coold Motors receipt that he sent me. We got murder Ram 600 CCP 7100 injection pump 625 head studs 220 GPH air doog Bean sump, ARP, rodbolt kit, Industrial Injection Street strip head DDP 140 horse injectors fluid am PR balancer and bolts. Fire Ring head. Billet, freeze plugs coolant, bypass kit, Billet push rods, PDD batwing, rocker, pedestals pedestals.
What the hell is that I don’t even know: ffs upgraded intercooler, install Kit, upgraded aluminum, radiator, Kentucky dual dis, clutch powder coating. Obviously, fuel shut off wiring kit uh that still got the MV 4500 in it um. I got to take it back up to Kohl’s to get a different head put in it. A bigger one uh and a MV 5600 sixspeed trans um got the valve covers, got the hood stack. Afc live, Let’s see we resal the engine and the gaskets uh air fill filter hoses.
That’S all anyway, she’s fast she’s wicked, and you cannot sit in the passenger seat and have the driver or the passenger window roll down, because you will literally be like a Southeastern Kentucky coal miner and get black lung before you ever even exit the vehicle. Coal was nice enough to do some custom CNC work. We got my name, we got Cole’s name and we’ve got the logo for my new boot company that I’ve got coming out soon so yeah and to close the hood. You have to pull on that turbo yep slam, it 125,000 original mile truck the interior is damn near perfect. Super old school porno red, so yeah got the big 24 in alcoas.
Those slap need some street tires because when you go to do a pool you’re, just like sound like a dog in distress, ready, big dog, yeah, thugging bro, it’s big thugging, so scy spotted us taking the first gen out for rollers pulled in the sh a picture. I’M like I got something better. Let’S go take her out the first. I knew it was you yeah, yeah yeah, when I, when we were when I blew past you, my hood about flew off, I saw it coming up. I was like oh no slow down.
Your mother would have a heart attack if she knew what was up in this Hood. I was about to say she must not know if she’ just let her let him go like that. Yeah, your mom doesn’t understand how fast this I shout her the video when we was following you sorry, Mom see you just need to do a fly by one here, yeah all right, a little scrub ready yeah. Are you sure, you’re ready, yeah it’ll? Go hell, yeah it’ll go hell, yeah, rolling, Co everywhere, yeah yeah, you black out the whole highway.In this thing, like me, shut down the T, the tunnel going in between Kentucky and Tennessee, your mom probably heard the compound turbos was like. Oh, my God that ain’t, no old truck yeah, that ain’t no farm truck that ain’t no farm truck while that’s a sticker, you need to put on it ain’t, no farm truck. You got it this way! Oh, what the this is going to knock the whole windshield man, it’s way, Blake show and uh. I think I’m going to put it on the down.
There yeah see what it does. Cuz I’ll put that new head in it and stuff put it on. You really want to make some power I’ll get up under the hood, with a bottle of giggle giggle gas. Little giggle gas might blow up the motor, but quick. It is quick.
It’S got some Tory want some hats. I got some water black uh white, one W one water black. There you go. Thank you. You’Re welcome nice to meet you guys, nice to meet you