MiniMaxx V1 SHOP NOW
I had a question a very small question for all my haters. Why is I smoking? I was thinking last night I was sleeping, safe and sound in bed. Can we be here, but I had a question for all my haters, that I’ve been thinking about for quite a while and it’s a really simple question kind of a thought. Actually, we need to move.
I was thinking how it’s actually just kind of funny when you think about it, how none of my haters, oh my gosh, how it’s just funny how none of my haters have a truck with a jet engine in it. Oh, my gosh that hurts so bad. We’Re out of gas we’re out of gas: oh wow! There goes 55 gallons of fuel. Here it is cat from Tennessee.
We spent like 50 Grand to ship all this from Tennessee. So here’s the tires. I’M going to see if this fires up to make sure that our engine’s not hydr locked it’s harder than it looks H: yeah, it’s a little risky. The way we’re going to do this, we’re on a bad slope. We’Re going to pick this up with a crane.
It’S our only way to get it high enough put the tires: on but half the bottle. Oh W wo. What are you doing? You didn’t hand it to me: BR, this fan drove by like six times in his truck he pretended to get lost. I think so he drove down that parking lot down there and then he got stuck and that’s going to really suck cuz.There’S no food or water on here or help you have a huge Tru C. You could probably help him out. I mean uh. No, I can’t find him anymore we’re going to get our first feel of monsterx on snow. We got a bunch of people around us right now, they’re going to move.
No that didn’t sound good, that’s a starter! Hopefully the rear doesn’t keep doing that yeah weird. We can finally use the heat. It’S always set to air conditioning cuz we’re in Tennessee. There are tons of fans everywhere, people keep pulling in.
I absolutely love fans. I will always take a picture of the fan and always say thank you for the support, but if you get in my way, while I’m driving my monster truck in the wilderness, so I’m supposed to be alone, I will run over you, my family, even You’ run Them no’s going to stop me from being successful, look they’re just blocking I’m literally I’m going to run them over watch this no testing air all right, break, disengage. First time out here, monster Max is maiden voyage. Watch this, I’m literally going to come their way watch how fast they move they’re still standing there. The fans are not moving, I’m just going to keep in forward.
I guess yeah. What are they going to do? Wait this guy’s going to get ran over dude, I’m driving through, like 3 ft of snow on the left. This is going to go really good. I have a really good feeling about all this.I feel a little vibration but just make sure it’s normal. The steer so easy on the snow, oh yeah, there’s no friction. I’M going to put my left side up on the snow drip feel like anything, really bad dude. I know look at the screen holy sh. It’S rattling the sh out of us.
It’S really bad. The brake rotor’s bent from when broke, we fixed everything but the brake rotor. We flattened the back out as much as possible. We thought it was good. Oh shoot it’s really shaky, that’s shaking pretty bad.
The drive shaft. So is the rotor wobbling. The drive shaft either that or the drive shaft wobbling. The rotor pick up a little speed. Oh my God, yeah, it’s bad dude, the truck’s, not even drivable right now.
That’S crazy! Try to space out the rear, roader a little, so it doesn’t rattle. So much there’s a flat spot on the flywheel. This truck is like never ending issues already feels better yeah. That was much better watch.This I’m going to slash the tire. Don’T do it we’re putting more air in that’ll, make it a lot easier to drive on this snow 600 yeah he put 12,000 and so he’s letting a little bit out there. He is my God, look at it s down, find a bigger one. No, this is the smaller one, the big one’s on the way you couldn’t find a bigger helicopter. No, oh, let’s go baby.
I’M really scared for the second gear shift it. I know. That’S the one last big glitch we’re trying to figure out glitch, I’m going to shift it come on girl. We a second what oh nice yeah, just flatten it right out. Yeah, we got this.
No, we like it’s doing so good. It dug in right away. Cody it’s time for auxiliary engines, I believe not yet the second gear shift. I didn’t even feel it the first time ever. This thing is Flawless now, don’t say that Mr Sparks save the day.
It’S crawling, it’s working. I almost flipped on the auxiliary power yeah, we’ll save that, for when it gets real, deep yeah, we don’t need it yet. What our attempts at is there 190, it’s very normal after that, which we didn’t do much yet. I have to say the powertrain is impressive. Dude, it was, are those spin really yeah, I think what’s happening?Is I’m just digging it down to the ground? Has about 3,000 lb of thrust not really enough to get us out of this until it melts all this yeah? That should give us just enough thrust to get over that mountain. How much you want to make a beted! I can throw a football over the mountains, so big in person.
Wait. You haven’t seen it yet. I haven’t seen it since this build sh. Oh yeah! It’S massive, it’s pretty big!
This all goes according to plan six. Ah six F, on 12 12 Vol on Hold On Tight 12 off. Look at it Go p, p dude, oh my God, wo. We never had it thr that high. That was crazy.
When I finally did go all the way it was, there Here Comes Dave in the bus coming to get you we’re eating away like 2 ft of snow, and the funny thing is on the flat ground when I hit like After Burner mode, it did kick in. I felt it we never had it Full Throttle. You full. I think we do gra the Rope effort. Dude effort is Da Sparks thanks for having us out to the the snowed in week.Here he offered to put tracks on this, and I said: no, we don’t need the tracks, it shifts. Really good, doesn’t sound. Good dude snow is so hard to drive through it’s actually really hard. A normal pickup truck can probably drive through a foot of snow before you start to like really struggle we’re trying 6 ft of snow. Another really cool upgrade we put on this truck is one of the world’s highest performance, off-road light systems used on Baja trucks for like pre- Runners and stuff, we’re just going to pull right up to the cabin and aim all the lights right in at their eyeballs.
As they try to sleep, but it’s going to shine through their eyelids and then they’re going to have to go, get lasx surgery to fix. It we’re going to wake up everybody in the cabin look at that. Oh my god, dude! It’S like daylight! Up there that’s a quarter of a mile.
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No go, go hey whatever guys Dave is going to be pissed. I’M going to guide him forward more hey, pull forward, you’re good! The lights are making the belt squeak whenever he turns the lights off, the belt stops squeaking. So much of a voltage draw it illuminates everything like day light. I want to see what’s going on back here for myself: what are the chances it bent the pinion going into the axle?
It’S a good good guess. It was all because you told me to back up that one time when I no that’s not what happened. I’M going to back up shut it off when I broke it, you said you said back up, he said: stop I’m backing up. No, oh you dumb ass! It broke everything.
Remember that time that I said we needed 2 days of testing before I wanted it shipped out – and you said: okay, we have 2 days to put a jet engine on them, uh uh, without that we wouldn’t had to have a jet engine. So we probably bent the axle. So what is that that’s less than that’s like 500 bucks right? No, they were 12 Grand. Each, I think, is my tire off to be my tire are off the bead too bro shoot that sucks.It’S Dave’s fault. We need to crush that black HW. Damn it talk about the pro you love to dwell on the con Tiger. Woods um, Martin Luther King, we’re going to reead this tire, and we have about 30,000 PSI of nitrogen in here what in the world? What is all that?
Hey, you guys, might want to move, they don’t realize their faces are going to get literally burnt off. We spent the last 8 hours rumaging through the forest for any dead Lumber. We could find we’ve stacked up this delectable pile of Highly flamable Timber, we’re going to be torching it with our jet engine. Aren’T you a little, close? What is that noise?
That was a rear steer belt that was so sick? I saw it like vortexing around the back of the truck. Did you see that yeah nothing melted, looks fine that looks so hot, though, is that bad for that a belt flew off thanks, foring the fire brother yeah, no problem man, you did it so nice and quiet. I was trying to take it easy in case anybody wanted to have a. I could barely tell that you lit it a little fun fact about this area.
The last time that I was here, I don’t think people realize how close I was to dying. I came out here on a snowmobile and I was filming a video of Garrett driving this ripsaw across here, and there was super deep tracks it had made. I was very new on a snowmobile couldn’t figure out how to steer it, especially with one hand. I was filming with one hand and driving with the other. I got stuck in a track and I thought that he saw me and he was rolling up kind of behind me.We intersected and he’s coming straight for me and I’m just hoping that he sees me and he doesn’t see me. He aims right for me and runs over my snowmobile. My snowmobile Falls and I I 100 % thought I was going to die. It’S the closest I’ve ever been to dying. They lay on the brakes cuz, they saw my snowmobile ski, come up in the air, open the hood and look out and they’re like.
Are you good and I’m literally sitting there up against the track with my head resting on the track, I’m really interested in switching away from combustion engines to turbine engines. It’S not getting proper air intake, there’s a 2T Gap here, but the air has to come around. There’S no flow, so imagine if we had Jets on the side that we’re actually getting proper air intake. I think a lot of people actually get stuck in making ideas and goals and not executing them, and someone who has 100 ideas and executes one small idea is always going to be a thousand times as far as someone who just dreams and doesn’t do anything if You’Re, not engineering new things, if you’re not trying new things, if you’re not trying new ideas, brainstorming things and actually doing them, you’re never going to get anywhere you’re not going to connect your mind to the next step to complete any sort of Journey cuz. You never took the first step.
A lot of people think this is a complete like it’s all done, but notice. Almost every video is saying we’re testing the truck out. The whole point is that we’re figuring it out and someday something’s going to work. One cool thing about our jet engine is that it’s made of thorium alloy thorium is radioactive. I have a guer counter here and we’re going to be proving to everybody that my truck is genuinely radioactive.
Now here I have some uranium metal. I got that off eBay. I don’t think that’s legal in the form of chunks. I shouldn’t have eaten that Max. So that’s really uranium.
I have the sensitivity turned up a little bit to show because there’s a very small amount in here. Oh, my gosh, it’s literally maxing it out, I’m not sure what like deadly doses of radiation starter. The rear engine is disabled because the starter won’t engage. Something is wrong with the flywheel on it, we’re running on one engine and we can’t drive the back anyways because the belt’s off – and this is bent really bad, there’s enough power, but but it’s really laggy in the Boost both engines is like having compound turbos. This is like it takes a bit to build boost, to get it to move cuz.
It’S so heavy it’d be like pulling a giant trailer. What was that I don’t know the drive shafts are too steep. Dude think I think so we didn’t have time to put a proper jet fuel tank on this, so we have a tank in the back seat. We do have decreased passenger capacity now, not hauling people. It’S meant for hauling, ass yeah.
Well, that’s nice! Apparently, the pressure sensor is frozen to the Air Lines, so it’s just building too much pressure, and now, every time you leave the truck running, it blows all the airlines, it’s like the cold is causing a lot of our problems. This is a really good example of how the jet engine is going to help us. So I’m On One engine technically is quite underpowered for this. Now I’m aim downhill.
I’M going to see if the thrust from the jet engine will push me. No, how can you even see where you’re going? I felt that wa. I felt that oh toolet everywhere, damn it.I know. That’S what’s really nice about having two engines is that that doesn’t happen. It doesn’t get hot, never cuz. It’S spread out evenly between the two. I can drive it on one.
It just gets very hot. You know. What’S crazy. Is that every time that I started to get stuck and I hit that switch, it started moving again. The jet engine literally helped when it was hard to get through stuff.
It’S not much, but if you were on flat ground on pavement in this would’ be crazy. But if you were in a car it would throw you I’m impressed that it did as well as it did dude honestly, it was still going. I was I was like still moving pretty good. I just overheated the motor. Well, that was a lot of fun.
I came out here fully expecting this to just rip through the snow, and the funny thing is that, if it wasn’t for all these tiny little things that popped up, I think it would have. I think it would have done really good. We spent a lot of time and money and effort hauling. This thing out here to Utah it takes, takes a team of like 8 to 10 people to get this thing all fully disassembled and assembled again a tah Handler a crane. This was Monster, Max’s first trip away from home after it’s being built.
It was somewhat rushed because we were trying to get the jet engine installed. If that jet engine was in a plane, it would definitely fly. It exists already. It’S it’s called a jet Cody um. These tires are massive, but the truck still weighs 30,000 lb.
So we let a lot of air out and unfortunately they unbe, so we had to use a lot of our nitrogen to refill them. So onboard air would help a lot more if we had a hose ready. I think the front of this axle shaft bent. So this is shaking really badly that caused a lot of problems. The starter went out on our rear engine, so we couldn’t start that so we’re driving in a one engine.
The pressure sensor to our air compressor froze. So it just blew all the Airlines and we didn’t have brakes it all kind of just dumb stuff that we didn’t know until we started really driving it this time this got so hot and the vibration back here was shaking everything so that belt flew off. It’S like just problems. You don’t really have with a normal truck. The reason this broke last time is cuz.
We were using ratchet straps instead of these limit, straps that we have on here and then we didn’t realize they stretch a lot when you first use them and then the drve shaft angle gets worse. So then it’s wobbling more when you guys told me to back up, we did I fell on this. All these links are a little wobbly now and those are the biggest ones they make. I’M genuinely considering making this fully jet powered after this with a spare diesel engine in case of emergencies. I didn’t realize how much it would help if you have a company that makes Quality Parts we’d love to put them on this truck, because everything keeps breaking everything’s there.
We just need better things to tie it all together. This bad boy, one day, is going to climb on Everest and if not, it’s going land on top of it right after it goes to the bottom of the mar, and a trench