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Light camera action: you know how many lifted trucks they have in Poland, not many, I think, maybe Poss. Actually let me look that up our lifted truck legal in Poland caught driving lifted vehicles in Poland will be shot and killed on site yeah. I don’t think you can drive unless it’s a G wagon, unless it’s a g that makes sense. I mean yeah, a lot of Rich dud in Poland. They like G wagons or a Urus or a Urus Mike.
I just met him a couple days ago. He actually sold me a steering wheel for my Aventador super cool dude. He drives like a mans three Urus. I tried to buy it. He wants too much money.
He doesn’t care about anything that has value because he’s got a private jet he’s like I’ve. Never seen a lifted truck like the ones that you guys have like are they? Are they pretty fun? I was like yeah. Why don’t you come by and take a tour of my shop and I’ll show you the biggest street truck in the world?I mean we have the world’s biggest street truck just chilling in a barn. He was supposed to be here like 2 hours ago, but his tire popped on the way here we’re just having a not good day. My grandpa got pulled over by Dot and I had to pay like 10 bajillion dollars make sure he can drive on the road just been a shitty morning so far for everybody in the circle, but it’s fine. I got the yeezy’s uh trailer I’ll hit him where’re at the corvea he’s pulling up right now. We’Re going to go, give him a tour we’re going to give him a ride in Megan.
Megan hasn’t been started in like 17 weeks, so I feel kind of bad, for it kill two Bridge. One stone make sure the batteries Aren’t Dead, give Megan some love cuz, I do have like a million dollars in this truck should be pretty fun. Hopefully we don’t get arrested, are the cops out today? Did you call, I drove a big truck when I got scared, went home, hey hello, state troopers, out no County cop yeah, I’m going to drive Megan no yeah like straight through the downtown? No I’m not going in the pond five.
Oh, oh okay. We got 2 hours to drive Megan on the road and we shouldn’t be bothered. But you know that that keeps pulling us over and, like you know like shows up to your house and like yeah, the one that you told that he’s, because you got a truck, that’s 2 feet taller when he’s bitching trck, that’s the one yeah Uh he gets on in like 2 hours, so we got 2 hours to drive around after that. We should probably hide it in the barn or the opposite side of the stage you miss 100 % of the shots. You don’t take, don’t miss your opportunity to take him the keys to Iceberg my any level.F450 where’s, the truck it’s a 2022 Ford, F450 Platinum sitting on 0 to 13in full hydraulic any level lift kit, 30in ATX for duy wheels and 42in fury tires. It’S got a kind, tungsten gray, color, ppf, wrap with color match headlights and tail light. Big ass cow hood inside’s got a fully loaded, Platinum, leather, interior, with massage seats, 30 Rock lights, horn, blaster, train horns and so much more. When you win. Not only do you get the title in the keys to the truck you also get $ 20,000 in cash to do whatever you want with.
All you have to do to get entered, is head over to shop. Gf.Com grab you a hat, a t-shirt, a hoodie anything on the site, gets you automatically entered, take it all home and for a limited time we’re doing a times 20 entry multiplier. That means every $ 1 spend at shop
You can see 20 entries for taking of the keys to the truck and the cash so head over. The site grab your of our awesome products and you could be our 18th giveaway winner that flies out takes delivery of your truck spends the day with me and Brandon, and whoever else wants to come. We’Ll do burnouts, go out to dinner. It’Ll be a day to remember and it’ll all be documented to be posted on YouTube, so you can showare your kids good luck to everybody enjoy the rest of the video we’re taking guesses on what normal Mercedes. That’S, not a normal Mercedes bro.What’S up buddy! Are we wearing the same shirt? Godam. Look at that! Oh my!
That’S! Not some jeans on yeah I plugged it. We made it bro 7 miles or 8 Miles, oh like that, the r, but look at at the side. Dude, just trade me just take home one of those and which one I don’t know, not that one, that’s probably a brown, the same price. I don’t know, I don’t know the.
I don’t know the MSRP on that it’s a bris. What? What does that? Even meanus? Bris, I’m too poor to how to say it.
They make like the end car cool with the body cutter. Oh just the outside. What year is that 21? Wait? You don’t like this?
Not really! I guess we, no, not it’s not a girl brand at all. That’S that’s sick and the wheels are nasty I that same Arrow. Was it like an arrow disc that make it faster. Cuz, like the air like goes around the wheel instead of inside the wheel, or is that for is that for heat?What I really want is a Pena okay bro. We built the techart 911, the 992 hly. I like the look of the GT3 rs’s, but RS are cool. They don’t sound like anything crazy, you better make them sound crazy. Nothing compares to that nothing’s cool sounds like a rapper.
It’S all the way down. You can raise this yeah. It literally goes up 2 more feet. You thought it was joking about him being full. Do that sh go Gabe what the is Megan.
The stallion that’s what we call him yeah he’s like my favorite, what size bro, they’re, 30s and 58. I don’t even know how to translate. I can’t hey. I can’t that, you can’t get it now. That’S okay!I want you come out, come out the now how the do you get in grab the bottom fo up here: easy you’re, like 63 yeah, 20 50 lbs yeah, it’s fine! I got the upgraded St ain’t going to break okay holy of the World castle, Yeah that he’s like shit’s fake as hell yeah you’ll. You can take them off and melt them down and then sell them until like brecks. I would hate to have to take all those off honestly, you could, if you could sit there, taking all them off. You deserve the money from selling all the gold, so I could have kept them could have yeah.
I I don’t have them M how many cars you got these a couple there’s a couple in there and you got two like to SEMA right two going to SEMA. I got one down in Florida. Yeah me too. This is a work in progress, so this one you got to put big wheels on it. You got a powder coat the lift and everything.
Obviously your name is Lester. When you get here, call luster GTA 6 GF Edition couple: train: horns, yeah, cou H: this is insane tiny, there’s going to be a bigger one than this, I’m going to just keep speaking it into existence. I want to build one: that’s like 5 foot taller than this one. This is just the street tra, it’s just the daily. Oh, this is your daily yeah yeah yeah.What do you think dude? This is insane. I’Ve never seen some like this honestly. I would think that you’d have to climb this thing on the ladder. In fact, you do it the way you do is kind of insane hold on.
I got to record yeah. Of course you got it, don’t breing a nail sh. She almost got it first, try FR, you got it, go, get it for her. You got it. You have running shoes on.
I think she got to start H in the gym. This is embarrassing. Oh, she got it easy money. Oh you’re, already up there you get to drive it. Oh she’s gone, oh my God, there’s no way new yard just run over the trees.That’S what we build it for tell me. We go that if the steering wheel binds up, don’t pay attention to it, how the don’t hit a car – oh God, those cars all just their pants. How you drive this on a daily bro? I don’t know I’m used to it, don’t hit Brandon’s truck or do that’d be kind of funny when you drive them for a long time you get used to it, hon dude, how the f are you going to go 40 m an hour on this? It gets smoother the faster you go like it’s way, smoother at 70, mph than it is driving 5 mph.
We got another one coming too what we got another one coming, it’s about to be here same size, uh about yeah. You know Grand Theft Auto like how you call the guy and delivers your car. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. We have one of those no way nice Tire, bro trust brand new. I’M not do
What was that hoger? It’S a hoger motorcycle hoger. He says. I guess we got all the toys out today. He built this.
One himself took like 17 years: yours yeah. How long does it take that you make 17 years? They start when he was 3, like how long does it build like this thing? Well, when you’re poor it takes a couple years? How long have I been Megan, 5 years, a long time yeah for you it’ be 3 weeks.You just drop. It drop off the truck be like I wanted this big for us. It’D be 3 years, not 3 weeks, Comm sixspeed manual like 1,500 horse. Okay. So how big of a turbo stock the wheel, this one’s pretty sick yeah?
It has like a nice Hood stack, hold your intake. Everything’S! All blue! The blue adds like 1,000 horsepower, so it makes 1,01 horsepower jumper Cable’s hooked up cuz. It goes dead.
A lot yeah plug it into the wall. Oh nice, it’s a Tesla! No, this truck probably makes like 400 500 H. It just holds on throttle, so it makes 2,000 horsepower with no nitrous. It makes 2,000 horsepower.I can so. What is it to that right now, like 900, it’s on a sa. He got me excited. No, I mean these kits can go all the way to like 1500 wheel in motch. This one needs motch, so I can shoot Flames.
766. 67.3. Hx35. Hx35.
Not R, though it’s real, no, this is fake, t-o, huh, t-o, 6 $ 69 T turbos, t l, it’s actually a Ford Fiesta. You Brandon Brandon yeah Brandon. We would like to do something stupid in your truck. No, that’s! Not how you’re supposed to say it at all, throw it in the pond, throw it in yeah make it 5T in the pond and get stuck but I’ll put it in there Bob or something to get it out.
Yes, let’s do it we’re driving this in the pond right now, Megan can recover it that’d be kind of sick. I think it’ pull it out. We’D actually have never tried, barely got it out. The Bobcat. Barely the last big bobcat barely got out.I mean the good news: is you have four-wheel drive? You did not pay all the money for that Dropbox to not use it. You know Gabe paid, I mean I paid. I mean Gabe’s Dad paid, I’m not going to see you Gabe for Productions might see you. Why you taking the center caps off o?
Did you just break it? Can you just spin these really fast and they come off? Oh no! No! Oh there we go dude.
The been locked. The whole time is that why I drives like that’s, why it HS are locked. Four whe Drive engaged it’s engaged, oh God have you ever used four-wheel drive in this really. This is the first time I don’t know. If the ax got fluid in honest, can you swim all right?
It moves one last look of Brandon’s truck being clean before it’s absolutely demolished. You just can’t keep anything nice lose it yeah, oh God! Oh my god! Oh, it’s sinking holy holy; oh, my God, bro. Oh my God, what you break?
Everything’S! Okay, it’s it’s! Definitely not! Okay! Do you regret your life decision?
You got M side of oh it’s at the truck. Are you jumping out? Can you swim buddy? No, not really not in this bot redneck with paychecks in my front yard. No, it’s only like a it’s.
Only like a $ 30,000 paint job go grab the jet ski yes, yes, please look see you just got out. You got it just climb up on the hood. You’Ll be dial just climb on the hood. I would just do a camera. How much does he weigh enough the dent I’m going to roll, so the weight is even yeah.Watch the exhaust that the most majestic thing, I’ve ever seen. Ah perfect, good job woo Lord of heat man is tearing me up, got to take a dip. It’S a little hot outside you’ve changed those shoes 30 times today is dead dead, oh you’re dial, oh skip it. Why have we never done, this bro you’re, scaring all my fit a you’re. Almost there?
Oh, my God, bro they were straight pipes, it’d, be so sick wheel it in there. My I make it notice. You’Re done you’re cold yeah, I’m cold. I don’t know why. We’Ve never done that.
You guys are wild child you’re perfect. He did first try yeah mine’s l excuses excuses excuses. We got to put him in the pool next di. Don’T get my feet! That’S you get money for that great success.
Now we just got to get a truck out hey. How do you say great success in Poland? What he said? I heard a vent B, I’m on the hitch ready all right. broke it.
It’S spinning inside the whole thing is spinning. Yeah, it’s spin, I st my axle shaft you’re, almost out, you can get out now take mine out and I got to pull you. Oh, it’s just going to roll now surprised his truck’s not able to pull two other trucks: R power. Our wheels are the pile of garage of for I’Ve never seen anybody drive other people’s Vehicles like this.
This is I’ve done Brandon for like 10 years. He don’t. Let me drive his, like that, what the heck you need. It.
He nice whale. Your tires. Hey just drive around the yard, dude mock Jesus. You, though, look at that we got to wash them anymore. We don’t even got to detail it now.Look phenomenal you’re getting you’re getting you’re getting mud in my yard, come on you’re getting mud in my brand new driveway you kidding me. I laid this driveway down son. I’Ve never seen that in my life. Try one! No that’s good!
not right I’ll eat them all day, strange human being everybody got their own prop. What morning you uh figure out what was wrong with the the Megan. Is it good it good yeah? It’S Drive. I want to take it out on a date later so like we got to like get it going like really quick.
We need to get that washed much better. So what what broke like something just came on. Oh my God, Jesus Christ – oh my God, wait! Actually, I’ve never broke that before. I don’t think it’s usually just axle shaft, it’s not an axle shaft.
You want some breakfast. You have some cereal this morning, yeah, it’s not good. Oh my God. Chicken nuggets chicken nuggets those are like lucky charm, Jesus Christ. I know I know what we got to do.
You know what we got to do you get what I’m thinking we’re going to sell these in a jar, then we’ll be able to buy 10 more megans, the Batmobile fun fact the Batmobile is for sale is $. 3 million, so we just listed everything for sale, so if you guys want to buy Megan or buy Brandon’s truck or that truck or any of the Lambos, my grandpa he’s going to have to sell his truck. We’Ll have to put him in a Honda Civic, but he just likes going fishing, so I don’t think he’ll really mind. This is not going to help my quest of buying the Batmobile at all. This is going to be not cheap whatsoever.
The world’s biggest street truck in a can. We can’t afford jars classtic bags Ziploc bags way cheaper. Why would you buy jars old Amazon boxes? Well, just putting them in Old shoe boxes. I got a lot of shoe boxes.We just put them in Old Nike shoe boxes dude. I think you get tetus if you ran your hands through here. This is that’s. This was the oil. This is crazy.
Cole made a valid point this morning. I did a massive like 80 mph heater in this thing like 2 months ago, and never drove it ever again and the first time really driving it was pulling Brandon’s monster truck out of a pond. Yeah, probably wasn’t a good idea. We tell you to do stupid stuff so that I don’t break stuff and then I still end up breaking stuff. We have a whole shorty.
We could have just pulled it out with a shorty. We had your truck. The Huracan probably would have been smarter to pull it out than Megan. That was a terrible idea all right, so we need what it called a spider gear why they call a spider gear. Is there spiders inside there, this terrible?
What’S even more terrible, I didn’t pay the water bill, so I can’t wash my hands, but the axle shafts are okay. We think maybe possibly my dad. That gear has definitely got a chip out of it too right here, oh yeah, that’s missing that still ride. Do you need that? What does this do that?
That’S what turns the truck! So what’s the steering wheel for for the driver to to turn the truck? Well, now, don’t make any sense call Spider-Man and we order the gears. It should be fine, possibly that’s only like 500 bucks, 600 bucks. Well, these are reared so o we could put 513s in or 538s in it now 618s in it 750s, and it will do a wheelie out of the hole it will.
But it’ll only do 30 mph. Well, we don’t really need it to do highway speeds. I only drive it on the highway like every other day. Just buy 5 ton axles make it a monster truck dude, I’m really getting tired of like only driving around for like 3 months combined and then tearing everything completely apart and redoing it, but I’m really bored as if you’re not already standing underneath of it. It’S all the way down.
Those are forward axles right, I’m just going to steal yours and then I’ll put this lift. On top of that lift and then we’ll have two lifts. Can you double stack? The frame you know, like a body lift, but it’s just a frame, lift yeah. You probably could do that.
The axle sit on top of that frame. My head hurts it’ll, be chain driven cuz. I like chains cuz. That was a great idea, just sprocket. No, that’s the good side.
It’S not like the sprocket falls off every time. I drive it. So we take the axle. We throw it on top of your frame and we take chains and put them on the Hub and then one chain will drive the back tire. One chain will drive the front tire and then you’ll have a 120 inch lifted truck.
That’S how the chain breaks, we’ll have two chains this chain and that chain, just double drop boxes, got to go wash my hands. There’S a snapping turtle. I’M going to touch your white hat, you need a rag bro, that’s that’s actually gross. I hope you wake up in the morning with like 100 pimples, on your face from gear oil bro, the trailer is disgusting. That’S why I shut mine off when I was acting down, because I was like it’s going to suck it up.
I crashed the blue one into the green one. Oh my God, the hit the right side look at. Oh, my god. Oh, I not want to buy one of those tailgates, no flat bed he’s going to smash the barn come on bro, go all the way in where cleaning out the pond holy leave outside the bar, like yeah, leave him outside low key God, d,