All right, so once you get the grill removed, removing the bumper should be fairly simple and straightforward. It should be this bolt right here, this bolt right here, and there should be two holding on the sides as well. To install the Flog bumper, which is what we’re doing today, you actually have to, if I’m not mistaken, I believe you have to remove this bracket as well. But we’ll find out more once we get into it because I believe you remove this and put the supplied Flog bracket on here. So let’s go ahead and get that started. There’s two more bolts down there, one there and one there, so a total of four in the front of the bumper. So 1, 2, 3, 4, and all it is, is just this bracket right here, it’s like called a crash bar or something like that.
Disconnected the sensors.
Oh no.
There—didn’t you want this?
No, maybe the rear one.
These are way heavier than my…
What’s this, huh? Just put it in like that. Got to M, where’s a big 30 mm, 36 mm, like that. Like that, it covers the whole bracket, like the mounting part of the bracket?
Yeah, that’s true, either way, the nuts and I mean, yeah, either way, there.
All right, about an hour and a half later. The reason why we haven’t made any progress in about an hour and a half is because Devin misplaced these nuts that go on the bumper right here, the bumper bracket. This is kind of a good way to implement what happened to us to you guys if you happen to misplace these as well and you lose them. All they are is just semi, a big rig lug nuts, so find you a like a big rig place and you can get these lug nuts from there. It took us about an hour. The first place we went to was like a semi repair place, and they didn’t sell any accessories there. And then we went to Ace Hardware first; they had lug nuts or nuts that were similar, but it wasn’t exactly what we needed. But this is exactly what you guys need and it’ll work. This is the exact same nut that Flog sends with their kit as well.
What are you doing?
Like that turn…
For the rear bumper, this one’s going to be real fun because we got to reroute the chuck right here, and also we got to gut this rear bumper and then transfer it all over to the new rear Flog bumper. Rear bumpers kind of suck to do just because there’s a little bit more stuff. I mean, it’s not too bad though, honestly, but I think it utilizes some of the brackets that the factory bumper does. The front bumpers don’t really use them. Well, it took us about 4 hours to do Matt’s. Yeah, we were there just about all day, but we were also doing front and back. Matt already had the front, all he had to do was the back there. Interesting, and we were there just about all day long.
All right, well hopefully this doesn’t take us all day to do the rear. I think…
All right, well, here she is. Now it looks like a Denali. You’re going to fool everybody now.
I’m going to fool everybody. We just got to put a Denali badge on the side.
Yeah, take the 2500 HD off, put Denali. But this is, we’re one step closer to building this truck for SEMA. Huge shoutout to Devon’s build manager, who is Anthony Moa at Elevated Motorsports. We’ll go a little bit deeper into what a build manager does and some of the benefits of it.
For example, for Devin, what Anthony does is he gets discounts on parts, but especially gets Devin a spot at SEMA. When we say we’re building a SEMA truck, we’re taking this to SEMA, and there’s going to be a spot for this truck. That’s what Anthony does. So if you guys are interested in building a truck and taking it to SEMA but you have no idea how to get a spot or even get sponsorships or partnerships or even just get parts for your vehicle, message Anthony at Elevated Motorsports, and he’ll definitely get you taken care of. This year there still might be a couple of spots left, so if you are serious about it. I also know that he does show season show—like he builds trucks just for shows as well.

That is true. You know the girl that is from here, she just got her truck done for the next, I think, the following SEMA.
Yeah, so her stuff’s already done and just going to have to be, you know, maybe repowered or whatever little things done before SEMA next year.
That’s true. So if you guys are interested in getting your truck built and you need a build manager, hit up Anthony.
Let’s just go over what we did today because, I mean, there should be a playlist of everything we’ve done so far. So here we have Devon’s truck, and we installed Flog Industries bumper. Honestly, the reason why Devon went with Flog Industries off-road bumper is because these are one of the best-looking bumpers.
Exactly, I’ve always wanted one, and I said, what better time than right now.
Right, and Anthony and Nate, we all hung out together every freaking SEMA. We hang out with each other, so I told them, I said, coming to SEMA next year, go ahead and order me one of your bumpers. He said, all right, got you, got you covered, buddy. So finally, they were in paint for so long.

Then powder for so long. It’s so great to see them finally on the truck, and it’s color-matched. So he finally got rid of his chrome factory bumpers.
I know, very much. I will have Rigid pods, front and rear. They are still in the mail somewhere in America.
Yeah, we’ll definitely do a video on install—installation video for the Rigid pods and like a review on them. But we have the Alre headlights from Alex’s old truck that Alex—well, Rick’s Painting Body painted and Alex rebuilt the insides and did the demon eyes. I know it’s hard to tell in the sun, but at night, god, did that glow. And it matches the powder coat pretty good.
And then we didn’t film too much of the rear installation, but the rear bumper was not fun, but it looks really good.
It does, it looks amazing.
Yep, paint-matched rear bumper.
Oh yeah, hey, can’t forget our boy Ryan, Work for It Apparel.
There you go.
I mean, that is a very clean-looking rear bumper. It doesn’t even look like an off-road bumper.
It doesn’t, it just flows with the grooves of the truck so well. You know, most off-road bumpers are like really bulky and stick out like a sore thumb, but this one is aggressive but it looks like it fits.
I mean, somebody rear-ends you, yeah, that bumper is stout. It ain’t going nowhere. But let’s show everybody like the Flog Industries bumper. The reason why Devon, but I say we because I’ve had a Flog bumper as well, is that you cannot beat this body line that the Flog comes up with on their bumper. There is not another off-road bumper company out there, in my opinion, that has Flog’s precision of it meeting the body line and actually looking good. I mean, just look at that.
I love it.
Yeah, it looks really good.
But let’s also show everybody this angle because this is the angle that’s important to a lot of people.
Yeah, I mean, you don’t want a bumper that sticks way out here, right?
You know what I mean? So this, I mean, honestly, unless you’re having a winch mount or something.
Yeah, and this looks honestly factory in terms of it pushed out. And then it is an off-road bumper, so it does go up a little bit right here, which gives you plenty of clearance for bigger tires. Now with GM’s square fender, your cab is going to be the trouble point. But yeah, it’s clearing 38s very easy.
Yeah, I mean, the factory bumper cleared 38s, but the plan is to go with 40s.
Yeah, so 26s on 40s, so now I’m skating.
Yep, so 40s will be honestly fine up front.
Yeah, we’ll just have to worry about the cab.
Well, I haven’t done a Norcal delete yet either, so I need to do that, and then we should be fine.
In this video, we just wanted to showcase the Flog Industries bumper and kind of let y’all know that we are one step closer to finishing this truck for SEMA. SEMA is in what, 70 days, you said?
Last it was 90, so about 80 days now.
Yeah, so 80-ish days until SEMA. And Devon has a dually right there that he’s going to be using to tow this truck to SEMA, so stay tuned. We’re trying to get as much done as we can so we’re not rushing. It’s been so freaking hot here in Georgia, holy cow. I have heat stroke in that garage.
Oh, for sure. But we definitely got a lot done. We only have a little bit of stuff left.
Yeah, I mean, wheels, tires—wheels and tires are
the only thing exterior really, other than some of the chrome and the pods.
And then, oh yeah, we’re going to debadge this.
Yeah, we definitely need to debadge it. Debadge this, this…
And then interior.
Oh yeah, you got Alea leather, Starlight headliner.
That’s the only interior thing because, I mean, I don’t do much interior.
That’s true.
Anyways, I’m more of the exterior. I don’t want my doors popped open at shows and stuff like that.
All right, well, stay tuned because we’re going to do Alea leather. I haven’t done it, and I’ve always wanted to try it, so we’re going to tackle that. I’m going to help Devon do his Alea leather, and we’re going to have a few other exterior mods. So stay tuned and leave a comment below if you guys want to know more about how you can take your vehicle to SEMA. I will be making a video dedicated on that subject, but as always, we’ll see you guys next time.