MiniMaxx V1 SHOP NOW
He ain’t letting out for no one good morning guys welcome back to another video before we get into today’s video and go check out trac’s truck uh, we went on a little side, quest with the first gen and tried to go and get it weighed uh. I’M going to put some of that footage in here. Some of it is filmed with my iPhone, so it’s vertical. We went the first time and we weren’t able to get it done. So we went the second time and I didn’t have the camera on me.
So roll into that footage chat about it a little bit after and go check out. Trac’S R see how much the old girl weighs 5680 5700 50 just jumping all over the place. 5760. That’S pretty light! So 5760!
It’S what the first CH ended up playing at uh was talking with Mr Gavin, Mr ve King uh. He said that’s about pretty normal, pretty average pretty standard for what he thought we’d be at. So probably when we go racing, we’ll do the old pull the tailgate off shed some weight there, but lighter than I thought I was expecting over 6,000 lb so feeling pretty good with this old unit. She’S all lined out for drag racing, and she should be good to go so now we’re going to get on the road and go check out: trac’s, lb7, okay, so my truck’s uh, it’s a 2001 extended cab GMC with the lb7 and a six-speed manual trans um. It’S lower uh 5 in in the front 3 in in the rear.I’Ve got traction bars done by diesel Labs here in Utah, so, and the set of wheels and tires you’re going to see on this truck is not the set that it’s normally on. I normally have a set of Forge 22x 12s, but this is the setup we’re running to race here at Jackpot um here in a couple weekends. So that’s what you’re, seeing on the truck right now me and Trace will be racing in Jackpot the same class or one of the same classes he’s also in the stick class cuz. This truck is also a sixspeed manual zf6 six-speed manual, which is rare, very rare, less than 1 % of all Duramaxes ever produced came with this transmission, so rare gem here now, let’s pop the hood and let’s go over your whole engine setup. So this truck started completely stock in 2019 um we did a lift, pump and um as big of a tune, as we could.
Basically, we made 569 horsepower on basically a stock truck um then, after that we dove into it. We put an S400 on it. Soaked C stage, one heads with uh, ported and Polished with beehive valve springs got the truck running. We got 19 miles out of it and then we ran into issues. We have fought those issues for the last 3 years um.
Since then, we figured out that it was it’s a specific 0102 things. These fuel rails have a little plug in the end of it. That has a hole that gets plugged. So we ordered new fittings for that and got the truck running great um. But before we were able to figure that out, we actually ended up tearing the motor out of the truck thinking.
We had broke the crank cuz. It was only firing on for cylinders um, so we end up building the motor uh. It now has LBZ rods, lb7 Pistons that are delipped and Machin down 10,000 to lower compression uh. We did head studs main studs, had the full rotating assembly balanced. I also built the trans and then um.
I had Southbend build me a triple disc comp clutch for it, because the stock clutch couldn’t handle life and neither could their strongest dual disc, so we’re really pushing it on this truck the, and this is a what size is this truck 4677 um is the charger We’Ve got on it right now. Basically, just a break-in one, we’re going to go with a lot bigger setup down the road um we’ve got a 12 mil pump from industrial 100 % over injectors from SNS and just custom tuning from there yep and a hood stack. We like to party cuz RAC truck things and then transmission wise. It’S full built full built full built. I weighed eight months on parts to get it built, there’s a lot of people out there.That say it’s not built, but it is and you’ll be able to tell it handles all the horsepower. We also I had a custom short throw shifter built for it that really helps um. As far as you know, launching and getting on it and getting through the gears and how many miles does this truck have had 226 when I bought it, we’re up to just about 230, now 4,000 miles 4,000 miles in 5 years, this truck’s been a problem child At times, oh, that’s sweet, so this is trac’s truck we’re going to we’re going to film some whole film, a cool little edit for the YouTubes, and then we’re going to go out and do some launches, and I haven’t roded in this truck since it had the Stock turbo on it and since then, obviously there’s quite a bit of stuff done to it so going to film some dope stuff. That’S about to play right now and then we’re going to go. Do some m!
Now, for our first ride, I made him go slow. The whole way over here so it’ll be my first time riding in it. So now the first launch with me in it and, like I said I haven’t roding this since his stock turbo was in it. So this should be a good time. He ain’t letting out for no one.
He said he missed the shift, so he did it again now I’ll go along for the ride first rip and this my first reaction of this puppy, you ready yep, she RS pretty good. Now that doesn’t get old dude! No, it’s just like it’s crazy, like from going like the first gen, obviously can hold its own, oh Absol, and like just being passenger, and something like it’s just like. If, if someone else was to drive this – and you were to ride passenger like it would just be like insane yeah, no, I feel the same way about when I’ve ridden in your truck. So how many pounds do you leave on?
Typically, it doesn’t build boost on. I neutral cuz, I have a clutch in it’s RPM. I leave it about 4K about the limiter. That’S a good time. Oh yeah, she likes to party oh yeah, a little different than stock turbo huh yeah.I don’t why I’m par side – God, damn 12. Yes, that’s what we like on this channel: mhm, 12 valves and Street tractors Yep. This is a street tractor for sure. All right guys, I made it back home. Uh next day ended up having to go to Luke Holmes, concert that or Saturday night going get home till late.
So we’re wrapping this up this morning, trac’s truck freaking sweet something unique different, different kind of like the first gen. You know just something you don’t see. A whole lot of and less than 1 % or 1 % of durx of the manual so super blessed to have friends that do this sort of same stuff with me and get to go, have fun with them. Uh like we said we will be racing. The 22nd – I don’t know if there’ll be a video next weekend, because I’m going to do there’s wide weightly show out it’s a show down here in Utah this year and I’m covering or doing media the event.
So I won’t be doing any YouTube coverage cuz. It’S just going to be a show, and I don’t you know nothing really YouTube wise unless me and Pops can come up with something this week to post. I don’t know if I’ll see you guys next weekend, but then drag racing right after that, so trac’s truck’s, freaking sweet can’t wait to see how it does and what it evolves into and pretty sure he’s getting his new turbo this week and will’ll be back up Here Wednesday, to go, shoot some stuff so take care of your lb SS. Take care of your 12 LS, see you guys in the next one. Peace get.