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Good morning. It is a beautiful Friday here in St Charles Missouri um we’re getting ready to go run and do some rollers of my truck and my buddy Cole’s truck. I haven’t, showed you Cole’s truck, yet he just bought it a couple days ago. So I’m going to walk around it show you guys all of it. It is ginormous, it’s massive massive yeah massive.
So I’m going to show you all the little details about that thing and then, in a few minutes here my buddy Kyle Pendergast shout out Kyle will be coming here to shoot some rollers and our buddy Braden is going to be the driver in his fourth gen. So yeah we’re going to get them all prepped ready to go. I washed mine last night, um it’s pretty much clean. I was going to wipe down a few little drops and then we’re going to finish washing Cole’s truck and we’ll be good to go Cole standing next to it. Kind of gives you perspective of how big this thing really is.
It’S on a 7 to 9 in FTS, lift it’s on 9 right now. I believe we got Cognito control arms, all the good stuff, everything’s powdered, this the red to match the paint it does still need Paint match, he’s going to get some Morimoto headlights just like mine, hopefully paint match him eventually he’s going to paint match the mirrors. All the fend flares All That Jazz – this is Cole’s first truck. He literally went from a C7 Stingray Corvette to this, but he uh he had a detail van. He does mobile detailing here in St Louis and we kind of partner up on some stuff he’s.Just one of my good buddies, so he had a detail van in the Corvette and he just sold those to get a detailed trailer set up. This thing’s all custom outfitted to do mobile detailing, which is pretty cool. These wheels are huge, they’re, uh, 26x, 14. On 40s, which is pretty crazy, but yeah, I’m super excited to see this thing when it’s done, it’ll look all good all paint, matched and um he’s going to drop it down to like a three or 4 in lift, I believe, throw some 24s on it, and Just make it look good cuz right now, it’s not too practical to haul a trailer around with you probably need a twoot drop hitch and here’s the Cummings boy. This is my buddy bradden um.
He will be the roller vehicle and Kyle will be hanging out. The b back of the bed getting some videos, so this LML was actually for sale here in St Louis by one of our dealer, buddies that we’re friends with so we already went and looked at this truck like four or five months ago, test drove it did All that stuff for coal, but he had everything listed but couldn’t sell it um quick enough to get the truck so they sold it to a dealer dealership in Illinois and last week he saw it pop up again and went up there and bought it right away. It was a really good deal too um. This thing it’s pretty hard to find these with low miles. This one only has 880,000 mil on it, which is pretty pretty low for a 2016.
You got this kid doing slave work over here. What you don’t know how to wash a truck or something he just took, come on just jump on up there dude! It’S not that big! Oh Mario, you guys. Let me know out of the three trucks here which one you would take.If you had the opportunity, would you take the 16 LML Denali on a 9in, lift only 880,000 Mi if you’re a Cummins guy? Would you take the fourth gen cumins on forces, this thing’s nasty? It’S deleted um, nothing too crazy, but overall really nice truck. Or would you take the S400 l5p in this crazy mineral, green metallic color out of these three trucks? I want to hear what you guys would take what you would prefer.
I also hear Kyle pulling up right now in his 2G, this a Old Farm Bubba rig – and this is my buddy bradden’s truck um thing – is filthy right now, cuz he’s just going to be videoing us, but this thing’s dope – I I helped him buy this one Too went and looked at it for him and when I say I helped him, I didn’t help him. I just helped him look for it, that’s not what I mean and then some of you guys might recognize these wheels. If you followed me for a long time, these were on my cat, ey LBZ, the white one. They are 24x 14 American Force morphs on 35 in amps. This is one of my favorite setups and I did have it on the white cat eye.
Oh and bradden. Also has the plus five horsepower sticker on his on his truck, so that makes this thing. Super rowy tell the people how you like your truck so far, a big it’s big Tonka, it’s a little hard to get used to driving uh. I almost crushed somebody in a Corolla the other day. Also, let me know if I’m tweaking here, but this is something I have never seen on a Denali.I got to like climb up in this thing. There’S no sunroof in this thing I didn’t even know that was an option to not have on on a Denali, but it’s a 16 LML Denali and there’s literally no sunroof. I thought that was the weirdest thing ever he he pulled up last week the day he got it and I was like I was like I think they might have – might have swapped this or something I was like. I I didn’t know that that was even an option. So that’s weird but yeah.
This thing’s super low miles, so inside’s, really nice everything’s in good condition, pretty good truck truck honestly, it was a good buy. These wheels are so big. You got to use a entire like drying, towel to dry them, driving the Tonka truck. Let’S go dude feel like I’m hopping out of a monster truck I’ll. Give it to you guys.
Lmls do sound, really good. I obviously haven’t heard that uh noise in a while I did have a blue LML and it sounded pretty decent, but that that doesn’t sound too bad. I actually really like that red in the sun. It just needs yeah, it just need. If you stand like sorry, no show me if you stand like 5T behind tailgate, it’s cooked, it’s, oh W.The tailgate is wow. Oh yeah wet sanding marks just left. Oh yeah, that’s pretty bad yeah! You see! You see what I’m saying.
Oh my gosh, what they sand with? That’S, not, I think they did like a really low like and they just left they didn’t know what they were doing. That’S horrible, but no. The color is good, though, is good. I do like it nice Cherry with some nice Ruby flake in there you’re so fruity, oh once it’s corrected and coated it’ll look fire yeah.
I do like it a lot, so you think a guy could just do this portion of the panel right here. It’S the same on that side too. No, no, my wheels are so nasty right now. This is them like all the way clean. They need a Polish, so bad Brandon Wood.Please come help me dude. I washed this thing yesterday and oh, my goodness, I forgot how good it looks when it’s actually clean. It’S been snowy and salty for couple months, like probably a month and a half in Missouri, so it’s just been real dirty, but man, this color Pops in the sun when it’s clean and I actually went through the work of actually washing the powder and suspension and All that stuff yesterday a lot of time I’ll just spray it off, but and let it just air dry, but I actually went through the pain of going and drying it all by hand yesterday. So this stuff all looks really nice and ready to go for our shoot, and this is what I’m talking about when I say I have to wipe it down again, it is impossible for this not to happen whenever I wash it and get water in the mirrors. Even if I blow it out with our air compressor and everything, the second I hit the highway, it’s dirty again, so that’s awesome got this thing wiped down just a little of that dirt, so that paint is hopping again man.
This thing looks so damn good in the sun, I’m glazing it. I don’t even care I’ll glaze. This thing till the day. I die all right, we’re out here at Sherman Beach out here in Wildwood um, getting a few shots and videos Kyle’s out here shout out. Kyle I’ll link him below getting some videos.
Um Cole was down here in the Tonka already. He got some pictures bradden’s over here. This spot’s really dope, but we’ve already had like 10 people come through and we had to move so that’s annoying. I’Ve actually done shots at this place before um I’ll link them below. I had it was when I had the white truck the white Aluma Duty.We did pictures here, videos right on the street, so I really like this spot – and I haven’t been here since I got the l5p, so we’re going to get a ton of content here. It’S actually like a perfect spot. If I’m thinking like if Bryce Johnson was here, this is the perfect. This is like what how he does all his videos, drifting on back roads and stuff. This spot is like ideal for that.
So I wish I had the ability to drive like that. Guy does, but unfortunately I do not. This is like the best. I love doing this on Fridays, Saturdays, when we have media days like this, it’s so much fun to just uh, be able to leave the shop and have that flexibility to leave and go do fun. Stuff with our trucks, so that’s really cool.
I’M I’m blessed to do that, and also I have my bachelor trip this weekend. My weddings in like 2 months, for those of you that don’t know, and so me and my buddies – are going down to Lake of the Ozarks, and I will be bringing the l5p driving a couple of my buddies down there um I, I probably won’t be recording Much but I might record some so if I do it’s going to be in here, I don’t know right now, though I don’t know if I’m going to record anything, but the lake has some really good spots up above the lake on the on the Hills. So if I do record some stuff, it’s going to be some Banger content in some good spots. So guess we’ll see so some of you may have seen this week. Uh Emerson Nicks, if you guys follow him on Tik Tok, he’s big uh truck Creator on Tik Tok.
He owns Frosty the big white Aluma Duty that Gabe frell gave away anyways. He bought a mineral green metallic S400 LP just like mine a few weeks ago, and it’s finally done um, so he’s been posting a lot of content on it, and everybody is tagging me in his videos and tagging him in my videos. Trying to you know, make up some fake, but now me and Emerson are cool his truck’s nasty and it’s it’s got its differences. I I obviously don’t care even who, if it was the exact same, who cares, you know, there’s always going to be builds that are very close to each other. There’S never going to be a one ofone, but uh yeah.
I just wanted to put that out there shout out Emerson. I know he talked about this in his YouTube. Video too, the other day so go check out his channel um. He makes some similar Banger content, so go check him out, peep the shirt, my Jesus fans, this guy just stopped and asked us what size wheels are on Cole’s truck that guy stopped and he was like he. He went, drove past rolled his window down backed up again and he he came back and I thought he was going to yell at us or something and he was like what size wheels.
Are you running? I have 20s on mine, and I was like I was like those ones are 26x 14 he’s like wow. I’Ve literally had to move this thing about 10 different times now. Cuz there’s traffic coming through here, but it’s just too good of a spot. It’S a dope!Little spot out here in Wildwood about 20 30 minutes from where we’re we live. What do you think about your truck? What do I think about my truck? How do you like it? It’S fine, it’s just!
It’S not a Corvette! So yeah are you going to drop it down? Yeah I’m going to drop it down. Uh actually just talked to him. Yesterday, we’re going to put it on a 4-in lift.
I can still use my Cognito Arms by the way. Really you talked to Deon yeah cool. So I can still use those Factory which is nice, cuz, they’re paint matched um, and then I’m probably going to drive d Indiana this weekend and go get some new kgs. Really you found a set. You like yeah nice, good that’ll, look good when it’s actually on a normal size, lift not Tonka up like that peep the purple in the sunlight.
Also, I’m am not one of those guys. That’S going to act. Like my truck’s perfect, I put these stock control arms on cuz. I need new ball joints couple weeks ago and this stuff is already rusted out like surface rust. Obviously, but it looks like absolute dookie already, so I’m going to take those off.
I have some Cognito at the shop that came off my blue Denali and I’m going to get those powdered, probably purple, I’m trying to decide if I want to paint match them and do this green or if I should do like illusion purple, like all the other Powder, so you guys, let me know what you think. I have the frames, obviously dark purple and then illusion purple powder and I’m thinking I should just do illusion purple for the control arms too. But you guys, let me know what you think, what would look best, but I’m definitely leaning towards the illusion: purple, oh. I was trying to uh turn around and found a nice little nice little mud pit to turn around in. So that was awesome.
I’M really glad I washed my truck right before this and I’m stupid enough to turn around in a big old pile mode. It’S like 65 in sunny it’s a little windy, but it is a beautiful day here in Missouri we got our drive to the Lake of the Ozarks later tonight. So it’s going to be a good day. We were just driving around and found this spot pretty decent. Just a little field, we’re in uh, St Albin – it’s beautiful out here, it’s so pretty around here.It’S a golf course with a bunch of big houses and everything up on the mountain side, there made it back to the shop safe. Let’S go as you can see, it is obviously the next day and we are at the lake um we drove down here last night, we’ve been doing some fun uh hiking. This morning we just went to lunch down at the strip at Lake of the Ozarks and then we’re getting some truck pictures and a few videos and all that stuff, so just kind of hanging out spending some good quality time so figured I’d. Show you guys the truck here at this cool spot by the dam. This spot’s super cool got the water in the background and the dam, if any of you guys watch like Bryce, Johnson or Gabe frell they’ve done a few videos and pictures down here.
I know Reaper media films, some stuff down here too um, but it’s a really cool spot and the way down here is a bunch of twisty roads so that that’ll be fun on the way up. There’S also an overload look up top here. That’S super nice. I took pictures of my blue LML Denali up there, one time um, so on our way back up we’re going to stop up there and get some cool videos as. Well, the sun is not the best lighting right now.
I’Ve come up here at night and it looks dope at Sunset, but still a good view. This view is gorgeous over the lake um. A lot of people don’t know Missouri is this pretty, but there are some really cool parts of Missouri. I just laid a heater. Maybe I might have allegedly laid a heater on the way up, all right, we’re going to dip out of this place before I get myself in trouble, so we’ll see you, I’ve also realized.
I’Ve never showed you guys the staright on this thing at night. As you can see, it does have those shooting stars. It has the Denali in the back honestly best Starlight I’ve ever had in a truck. They super good on it. I’Ll show you the um shooting stars, one more time there.
You go awesome Starlight in this thing, all right. That should conclude today’s video guys. I appreciate you guys watching sorry. It was a little bit um videos just from here and there just throwing Random clips in, but I hope you guys enjoyed it comment below your favorite part comment. What you guys want to see next week make sure to sub and share the video and we’ll see you guys in the next video