What’s going on, guys? Welcome back to another video. We are at Smoky Mountain Truck Fest 2024, and this is our first dyno competition back with the ’05 with its new engine. We kind of told you guys what’s going on in the previous video about breaking in the engine. This roller is kind of similar to my roller. A lot of the dyno competitions that we’ve done before are on the SuperFlow Dyno, so it will be interesting to see what the ’05 will put down on some of these smaller rollers.
We’ve tested it and spent a lot of time on the dyno getting ready for this event. Hopefully, the power gets to the roller, and we don’t have any issues (knock on wood). We might run into a little bit of rain, which will be another challenge when running on smaller dynos. It’s going to be interesting to see what we can lay down. We’ve got David Petri over here from WT Motorsports, so stay tuned!
We’re going to change some wheels and tires, get the truck prepped, and maybe make a run on Friday just to test and make sure everything is good. Saturday is the bigger show day. We have enough nitrous to make a couple of passes, but we’re hoping the rain holds off!
We did our intro to the video, and it literally just started raining. Rain and a dyno roller are no bueno. We can’t do much with that—not even going to try. We need optimal conditions to lay down the law, and rain is not optimal.
Are you at all concerned about the mile-per-hour limit? Yours should be the same; it limits at like 165 mph, but my runs go to 200 mph, so it just won’t show on the graph. That’s fine, though, because we can still watch the power. We’re here to see if his dyno likes that mph. He already said he doesn’t like above 165, but we’ll have to see if we can get it to land straight.
First run: 2,538 horsepower. That’s a little wild. I want Michael to look at it because it felt different than ours. I don’t get to play at this level often, so it’s pretty cool to see my dyno handle this level. It gave us a graph, so that means we didn’t overspeed it. I let out a little early—it was still climbing! We’ll make 2,750 tomorrow. Congrats, man, we’re good.
So, we laid down 2,538 on our dyno rip. David Petri has a similar truck, and he’s the only one running this weekend who’s at our level. It’s really a showdown between me and David. He’ll make a pass tonight, and we’ll see how he does. We’ll do it again tomorrow to try and make a little more power. We’re not unhappy with 2,538—it’s the highest horsepower that Bless has ever seen on their dyno.
David is capable of throwing down a big number if everything lines up. Super happy with how the truck is performing. Huge thanks to everyone involved with the truck—SNS, Amsoil, Fleece, Freedom, Michael on the keyboard, Logan for the transmission, and many more. Couldn’t do it without everyone’s help!
Saturday, Day Two at Smoky Mountain Truck Fest.
We figured out a few things last night with the dyno data. Bless’s dyno is a DynoJet, which has a speed limiter setting in their software that stops reading above 165 mph. Our dyno pulls high RPM because that’s where my truck makes power, but the graph stops reading at 4,400 RPM. The 2,538 we saw yesterday was actually where the speed limiter stopped.
Matching the RPM with our Data Logger shows that the truck actually made closer to 2,850—almost 2,900 horsepower yesterday. We made some adjustments to the tune to compensate for the weather, and hopefully, we can lay down the same or better number today.
David put down 1,700 yesterday, but he’s working through some nitrous issues. We’ll see if he can put down a good number today. We’re ready to pull up and make our second pass!
Second run: 3,000 horsepower.
The graph showed 2,688, but I peddled at 3,000. Woo, it made 3,000 horsepower right at the top! What a run—so much fun. We’re doing a 900-horsepower shootout with Tommy, so we’ll see how that goes. As for the ’05, we’re back home now and super pleased with how it performed. Smoky Mountain Truck Fest was an insane weekend, and everything came together perfectly.
We’ve got more events coming up, including a fuel-only dyno competition in Mid-Michigan—something this truck has never done before. It’s always been nitrous-powered, so we’ll see how it performs on fuel only.
Again, thanks to everyone who made this possible: SNS, Amsoil, Fleece, Freedom, and more. 3,000 horsepower seemed impossible once, but we’ve achieved it. Keep pushing for your dreams, no matter how big or small they seem!
Thanks for watching, guys. Be sure to subscribe, and we’ll see you at the next event!