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Oh go! Oh, my God, Do you see it? Do you see it?Do you see? Do you see? Do you see that I see that beautiful thing over there that’s been gone, for, I feel like 3 years, you actually no it. It has been gone for like 3 years because we sent it off to get painted and then I picked it up from paint and then I immediately blew it up. So I had to send it somewhere else, we’re here at eping performance out here in uh, Knoxville Tennessee they’ve had Cowboy for the past 2 months, getting a brand new transmission and a whole bunch of other goodies.
Today is finally the day. Today is finally the day there we go that I can pick up my favorite truck of the fleet, one of them debatably every single morning. I come downstairs and Brian’s like hey. When are we getting cowboy and I’m like? Oh yeah, I forgot, we have a 12200 horsepower monstrosity of a vehicle sitting over on the other side of the state.Oh my God, all right, I’m not going to look at it too close. Where is Mr eping time is running out fast for your chance to take on the keys to Eclipse my 2022 Ram 3500 mega cab duy sitting pretty on a 6in BDS Lift Kit power coded satin purple 26in American Force du Wheels wrapped in 37in. Amp tires fully paint masch with alpharex headlights, 32 Rock lights and horn blaster train horn inside it’s got fully loaded, Limited leather, Longhorn interior, with a big fifth gen screen 1200 piece, Starlight headliner kit, thanks to fdk light bars. Not only do you get the title and the keys to the truck you also get $ 2,000 in cash to do whatever you want with all you have to do to get entered, is go to shop, grab you a hat, a t-shirt, a hoodie anything on The site get you enter to win the truck, and this week we’re doing a times three entry multiplier.
That means every $ 1 spent on the site gets you three entries towards taking on the keys to the truck and who knows in a couple short weeks. I might be giv you a call turn. You come pick up, your new truck and your cash good luck to everybody enjoy the rest of the video bye long time. No, he looks tired because uh he was working on this truck at like 2 a.m.Turn the camera around hello, I cut my hair off, you might as well shaved it it’s pretty close anyway. I got tired of 15 lb when he cut off his hair. What we got here, it’s like under the hood all pretty and stuff. Now too, it’s as pretty as we can make it with all that rattle. Can there as pretty as we can make it is it spray paint.
I have a thing for buying vehicles that have spray painted everything. That’S just how you know I’ll like it. You still got tires in the back. Just give me like 24 hours. Those are going to be gone holy.
Oh, oh, oh yeah! This is the same color that I did all my 5G stuff. The G56 swap truck yeah my favorite freaking color, honestly for pot coat. All right, so we got intake piping turbo valve cover. Whatever this intake horn is, did The Rocker Box?
Did your water neck shaped the water neck down, so it don’t have big ugly Brack it off of it? Oh, my God, it’s like 99.9 % done. We have uh some transmission coolers because we came to the conclusion that my transmissions in any vehicle that I drive will get hot, so we should probably have coolers in them. So then they don’t get as hot so typically leave when we rebuild a transmission mhm.There’S a lot of parts inside it reused. Yours, nothing, got reused, every single sprag, every single planetary I mean everything was broken or melted. Nice, I’m I mean like. I, don’t have send things. I full send everything.
So if I’m going to break a transmission, we’re we’re going to bury it, did you bury it out back actually back back there, everything it’s all on scrap pretty much. Okay, yeah! I did a number on that one! It’S even got this pipe all powder coated too. It’S pretty I like it, I like it.
We actually do the alternators and everything when we tear more apart. So when it comes back for all the coolers, we can actually take the front end apart redo. All of that, if you want that I mean might as well, I got the truck painted now we’re doing engine base. We got a brand new transmission that I want the forge. Can I have the forge carbon fiber?
I don’t have any Forge ones made for this. Yet I can get a mold made, but we’re probably going to be like 5 to 6 months out. I don’t really plan on getting rid of the no yeah. Well, I mean if I end up selling this truck. I literally have four forgies, so it will fit on one of them.Not only did they make all underneath the hood pretty right there. It is powdered. You can see a lot yep and a beautiful pan, a king speed, pan yeah. I bought that. Okay, that thing so that transmission is literally a copy of what is in our UCC truck everything inside is the same converter, all of it, don’t that they make like 3,000 power.
It’S very well capable I mean it’s everything you can do to a 48 except you’ve. Actually got one up on me: I don’t have an SFI case. This man text me was probably like midnight. It’S like you want to what is it an SSI s, SFI case SFI Cas SFI, certified bell, housing, bang case and overdrive housing? So what do that?
Like? Do if you’re drag racing you’re required to have a transmission blanket and then a flex plate Shield? So with an SFI case you you don’t have to have any of that. It’S actually certified. It’S got nice little stickers on it, though now I can take this down a drag strip.
You were legal in that aspect. Hell yeah, I have the fastest truck. This is the fastest mega cab. This is the fastest for Mega Cab. Not only is it the fastest?Also the prettiest, so I broke every component on the entire trans and then I also I broke a switch somehow, maybe that’s why it wouldn’t go into overdrive. That is definitely why it wouldn’t go into overdrive, but then I also mess up overdrive in the trans mechanically too. Yes, everything in overdrive was Smoke, even if the switch did work. It still wouldn’t over drive, lock ups down here, overdrives up here, so just keep that in mind for right. Now, that’s actually better.
I like this one being this one. Okay, that work did you put the nitrous tanks in the tool boxes like I said, no, we can yeah eventually not right now when we bring it back. We have to do something cool with this. Oh there’s a blanket in there. So when I first got the truck I was like, oh, we could have coolers for like drink.
I don’t party or drink or do anything fun. They would be mostly usel they’re, mostly just for show. My grandpa was like we should like epoxy it or paint the inside make it like really pretty. When I put my truck on motch cuz, I’m going to do that, I could put the motch controller back here. They open up the thing watertight.
Is it watertight yeah? It’S a cooler like people use these for, like they lock too. So no one can steal your nitrous bottles. God, lord damn. I don’t know if the smaller ones, but no, if you got to go, you got to go with the with a big b.We can wrap it in a gfp uh Louis Vuitton, gfp, W nitrous Bott take these apart and I can powder them cherry and we could get your gfp logo custom gfp nitrous stickers, yeah. We can do it, hey guess what oh it actually would fit. Gold bracket and red bottle gold bar style gold, like almost like a polished gold yeah like really gold red bottle gold brackets. That’S like the best idea, I’ve ever hypo PR, hypothesize hypothesize. That was a good idea.
Can I like I’m, going to try not to like blow it up, so we’ve got our event in June R, 2 weeks after UCC come after that, we’ll do burnouts drag race. It 30 minutes from here. So you literally pass you’re on your way home take and then, if I blow it up, then it has to come here anyway to get fixed. We should just order parts and have them in stock for this truck. So then I cannot cuz like I’ve been sad.
The past two months, honestly like this is my: this is my depression medications. If I get sad, I just go: go outside start up Cowboy, go for a little cowboy Run, come back and everything fine all right. This is my good buddy Jake. When I am uh, rich and famous one of these days, I will be buying a helicopter and Jake will retire from everything he’s doing with his life and be my personal helicopter pilot cuz. He flies helicopters.
He also has some badass trucks, God damn did. You say this was for sale, or did he say it was for sale, it’s not for sale, cuz, this thing’s freaking beautiful. This is probably the nastiest third gen on the planet, no, no hate or anything. I have very the exhaust. You did all this fabric.If I still had an R8 I would say you know you could weld up the exhaust, but I kind of got rid of that. Well, I did blow up my Lambo, so that’s getting Twin Turbo too. So there we go so he’s got his hater pop here. Yeah, so what the hell is that so that is the white Jake said: hey, I want to make cool, sounds out of it, and exhaust is off of it right now or we go down the road. It sounds wild when that opens up I’ve seen V.
I went I left too early when we were at Blake show too early and he did a burn out in it, and I all I saw was a flame like this long and everybody was like. Why is this Hood sack so small? I was like like that. Not that’s, actually getting redone out of titanium. The new popping should be here this week.
We got to get that vibed up casual 2,000 horsepower daily driver thing, there’s just something about like a mega cap. Like you’d never expect this to be fast, but this would probably hurt a lot of feelings. It still has a 68 in it still has a 68 it. Why does he get so lucky? I drive my truck for 24 hours and it blows to Smither, but hide 68 will never that will never break.
I don’t know why. I don’t know what is put 100 mm tuo on it. This looks like something that I would have, because it’s a part and not running we’re going to try and run a five with it and E do 2,000 on the dno and then, if it makes a s 2000. Oh yeah, with a p 24 big. 900 CC.13 mm len over at Dynamite sent us some custom injectors for it, and then we uh decided to pull it out. We’Re going to throw some rods in it main studs. Don’T want to spend a whole lot on it, just a VP block. If this explodes we’ll throw 67 in it and keep it PE pump, I have one of these. I’Ve had one of these over hazley performance, two or three years now.
I you can make that much power with it makes about 1250 to the tower 48 full full man this’s badass, it’s actually sitting over there in the floor. It’S all powdered as well orang everything I just love. Second G. I love them until they’re mine murder, him! You love murder, oh damn!
Look at them seats, that’s a good interior dude! It’S got an iPad Dash and everything in here. What the a goddamn show truck. I’Ve never listened to Young Dolph In any of my second gems cuz. They never have radio.
The blue truck has the radio that works sometimes, but it’s still a second gem. Those are some big. Turbos looks a little slow. Oh my God, um this one is slow. It’S never actually been this fast.This, like all brand new, now block yeah. All of is brand new uh me and Justin built a short block. Here we got the head from wagler yesterday. What size turbos are these uh they’re, 85 and 114 85 and a 114. I got some pretty big hands.
That’S stuff, massive Inlet! That’S my head! Literally! You got a big head: dual pums. It looks so freaky when there’s nothing going on in the front dual 14: dual 14s: full grass H full system.
Are you going on the dynamite? You yep? How much you going to make so UCC breakdown, yeah, three, so breakdown for UCC we’re going to try and run a 4 and eight. The goal is next Friday to go to the track. If we make it y’all are more than welcome to come out and hang out, we can bring the GTR yeah get some pets on the GTR.
Do get to go I’ll, probably do a half day track rental. Can we talk about how clean the suspension and everything set up is? That’S just you have Chrome plated coilovers yeah the brakes probably cost more than most of y’all trucks. Wait. What are these for?That’S for the red truck wow! Those are pretty. They look like the GTRs wait. You have 15s on a truck yeah, that’s slow! If you don’t I’ve heard yeah, you put a nice jtx center cap right there or, like your slow floaters on a drag truck.
You can hard. This is my theory and it’d be cool if we could get jtx to do it make me a 15in spead lock with a floater center cap. I want to see if the floater spins on the dyo it to be very, very high quality. Barri. Honestly, I wouldn’t mind having 15, I love my little 26 in you know Street TIR, but if I’m trying to go fast or whatever these would be pretty cool, I would love that have what are you doing?
I just taking off My Sixes real quick got to go fast goes inside. You, sprag and overdrive that doesn’t look like destroy. The sprag is nonexistent. There’S little roller bearings sitting everywhere in the floor me and Transmissions just don’t get along. They don’t like you yeah Motors, not so much.
I don’t really blow up Motors as much unless it’s a Lambo for some reason, uh but Transmissions. They just tend to not hold together ever no matter. If it’s manual full manual, Val body normal. It’S one of your planetaries in the overdrive housing. You can see it’s split, yeah, there’s supposed to be a bearing here.
There isn’t no, not anymore nice. Basically, I turned my nice transmission into lava melted, lava on the side that look like ass yeah, like it could be a very good output shaft until you turn it around. It’S not a very good output, shaft and even the bearing that’s. Not it’s supposed to be a nice smooth, sound yeah. To my knowledge, no one has broke.
One of these. I haven’t broke one time to break you break this. I don’t know how. Now I got a goal, I haven’t even Twisted one. You want to see a unbreakable Parts turn into ramen noodle.
Send me in the truck. I give me 30 seconds, 2010 4G things you get off of it and it keeps going kind of how you were talking about. The lap switch throttle yeah yeah years of truck like 2010 2012, 2012, so 2012 4GS. They have a thing where, like I call it limp throttle so like you press it and like if you get off of it, it’s like a 3second delay and if you get on it, it’s also like a half a second delay. For some reason, it’s like really not responsive at all, and everybody has told me there’s no way around it.
Just you know you buy another truck if you want it to not be a thing. Damn I missed that sound beautiful speaking of that sound. He has a truck for sale, tries to convince me to buy it every single time. I call him text him he’s like Gabe. You need to buy my 5G, so I’m going to you guys can help me decide if, if we need to add this to the collection or not, I mean it’s black, it’s a mega cab, it’s a limited!
It’S got pretty low miles. Nice black headliner needs 2500 stars back there sunroof it’s very similar to the giveaway truck that we’re giving away right now, Eclipse but uh. It’S a lot faster got two big uh, wiie Bobs, and it’s all pink and my my second favorite is pink and it it supposedly goes fast. I’Ve never seen it actually go fast, but it’s supposed to make like 1,200 horsepower. One of these days I mean he only wants 200k, so I mean it’s really not that bad of a deal.
I could just ask my dad. Yeah I’ve been asking him for a lot of favors. Lately, though, so I I don’t know if he’ll be about it comment down below, should we buy another 5G after it is done? Yes, it should the fastest okay. Well, that’s a good title world’s fastest 5G, no blowing up the world’s fastest 5G.
So what are we testing today? I mean they’re all stand standing out front and I’m leaving so I have to do a test bur now, just a little one, just a tiny little. Oh my God. The car had to stop hey you land, some marks on the road who the was driving that two-tone truck right there. That guy know you stopped the whole traffic cuz.
I we couldn’t see anything it wasn’t me bro, okay, so this top switch. Now is up and not down, oh so I was hitting down and it was getting yeah un overdried and I was like what the is going on. So I had to do a big lap and I figured out how to drive it so we’re making a little run to Lowe’s, because we need what do we need? What? What kind of part do we need?
We need a self tappers. I got a mirror for cowboy: It’s got like pretty engine based stuff now, so I got to put a mirror out underneath it. So I’m going to grab like a whole bunch of self tappers, just self tap to the Hood it. It won’t go anywhere: hey look Jack, hi nice to meet you uh he’s been in some fast. Cars apparently never been in a fast truck before so we’re just going to do like a light like a 40 to 150 in Mexico on the Mexican Highway.
Real quick show them what it’s like to be in a fast truck, it’s also a mega cab and it has a TV. So I mean it’s like the most pimp truck on the planet I could sell. I could sell everything and be perfectly fine. I I could sell Brian how much is a human body going for nowadays, 200k. So much that’s like four Cowboys actually highways a busy is, there must be a taco sell down.
I need 12. I will not demonstrate how to properly merge onto the highway. In a 1200 wor power truck and now you’re on the highway finishing touches, you know what that’s from that’s the last person that tried to with cowboy their whole truck exploded and I stole their turbo propeller blade or whatever that’s called when he spent thousands of making Your engine bay look pretty freaking nice with cherry red powder coat and big turbos and stainless lines and, but you’re vertically challenged. Like me, I’m actually 3T tall. So I can’t really see up inside my engine bay.
So we need a mirror, so CMS sent us out a that looks fake, CMS sent us out of mirror so that we could look at our engine bay without being 700 ft tall cuz. I’M not or you can check out your watch where you check out your chain, you see they’re shiny. Can you see it? That’S expensive conversation right there dirty as. I got to wipe it off the CMS.
When you send out these mirrors. You should probably give these guys, like some wind decks too shout out to CMS. If you want one go uh check them out on Instagram. They can build them for, like every truck, I’m going to put them on everything. Now get one for that truck and get one for that truck and my truck and the Hayabusa and the ZX10 and the dirt bike, probably making bathroom mirrors for my bathrooms.
I have 20 bathrooms, so we’re going to make those too um yeah. That’S about it. Like comment, unsubscribe, send me your mom’s phone number in the comment section, so I can be your stepdad see you by