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I cannot believe this is a truck on 308s. This is stupid, hey guys. What’S up, it’s Sean autotopia LA and we are back with the man, Brandon sha, stoked that we’re doing this me too bro. It’S been a long time coming on this one.
Some of you guys might have seen this video, but what proceeded building it into what it is was a whoops right, a big whoops, yeah, big whoops, a big Learning lesson. I was in Johnson Valley different truck than this. It was a TRX sand, blast Edition and we’re shooting all day con then off-roading, I just had it built uh yeah and I flipped it any emergency call to the SOS service provider total it flipped it uh insurance covered it, and I was like all right. What are we going to do now? So that’s how we got here to go from that.
To this I want to do something even bigger and more Grand, so don’t get me wrong. It was awful when it happened and terrifying, and I learned my lesson, but then I started taking real off-road driving courses and Matt marelli doing the mint 400. So something good came out of it, but you know it sucked man. Those kind of mistakes always do suck like. Oh, I bet you did that for views, I’m like Bud.
That was so terrifying. So did you when you got this? Was it a stock, TRX stock, yeah, all blue, all, Hydro, Blue and then uh yeah? I just wanted some outlandish, I’m you know – and this is my daily driver this – why I take the kids to school in pick them up. I just went kind of outrageous on it.Man yeah. I love by the way, just the sheer look of it of all the carbon against the blue. It works well, yeah, it yeah. It works really well, and I think too, I’m a big carbon fiber guy, since I was a kid so like the more carbon fiber, the better. I say this is the baddest TRX.
There is there’s one batter, Robbie Woods built one and his is fully carbon fiber, but he painted over it, but that’s a badass build so mine’s a little different but uh yeah. I like it. Why don’t you walk us through kind of everything and if you want to credit whoever built it cuz, I know you know. I know you wrench a bit, but you yeah, no, when it yeah when it came to this stuff. So my goal was to get the fastest TRX in America.
Yeah must go faster. I was online on Instagram and I see this guy Chris Bailey. He he said the world record twice for the fastest uh demon in the world drop, Bailey’s hyper performance. So I reached out to him we connected I’m like hey dude. I want the fast TRX he’s like send it on down, say less, that’s he.
We call him the the Hellcat whisper. So I said what do I have to do to make this fastest TRX in the world fully built motor 20 3 PSI 1400cc fuel injectors race transmission. He put it all together. Man sent it down there, they had it for about a month, and that was just the start. So that gets us.You know around 1280 horsepower at the crank yeah 1280 yeah. The goal was 1,000 to the wheels and then the widebody fenders. That’S all Fiberworks Fiberworks Hood everything so yeah. They know what they’re doing, of course, Kibby Tech, my boy Ryan, with kch is’s, my first friend I made in off-road. So I have to have all his stuff on there and all kby front, lower control, arms, long travel, innovates with 38s and then the the coilovers from Kings, the exhaust out the side, which is pretty gnarly, that’s kind of.
Like my trademark. You know I like my stuff loud. This might be the loudest truck you’ve ever heard oh that blew my air drums out yeah. That was loud. It looks wild.
I mean God, especially with the sun, just crushing the carbon, and you know you guys guys know you’ve done enough cars with the carbon fiber. You know you leav in the sun, it’s going to turn yellow like it can be a problem over time. That’S why a lot of guys paint it, and I got con this guy Nick at curn. He has this special formula. It’S like not cuz.I didn’t want to just wrap it. It’S a liquid ppf kind of formula where they can just cover all of it and it brings out like every all the shine and protects it for 15 years. Oh, I’ve. Never even heard of that me Nei cuz. He was like.
We have a liquid he’s, like cuz, all the nooks and crannies, it’s tough to wrap. So they have this clear, icon, clear and it it’s just a a fluid and it dries really fast, it’s just as thick as ppf crazy and it leaves it super shiny. I’Ve. Never I’ve never heard of a liquid PPS me neither Brother, that’s why it’s shiny as hell yeah yeah. What are you doing, size-wise here on your wheel, tire setup 38s with the innovates 18 innovates, it looks it works.
The problem with this is like i’. I’Ve had a ton of stuff. This is the only vehicle I have. That scares me right. I have a demon 170.
I have some Hummers. U my lightning, but this is the one thing where it’s like. You can’t like Take Your Eye Off the road. This is one the one truck that scares the hell out of me by the way. I just want to clarify you guys when he says lightning.
He doesn’t mean the modern Ford that you have to plug in no far from it, yeah far from it yeah the original fast and fierce 2004 Ford Lightning, but yeah, it’s uh this one, this one, it’s it it scares me. Why would imagine 1,200 at the crank? You lose a bit going to the rear, so you’re, probably what nine plus at the tire somewhere around there high n. I would say the goal was a thousand, so I bet we’re close. I bet we’re close yeah while we’re talking the whole time I keep eyeing.I love the kib tech stuff, the I mean I know it performs, but it also looks. Oh it looks badass their stuff looks so good. You know their trailing arms. Look amazing. Yeah, like I said, Ry is my first friend in off-roading, and he makes the just so happens, he’s up the street from me.
He makes the best part. So it’s anytime, I get anything. It’S always kiby Tech, but yeah with this fully built motor uh, MMX rods. Pistons cam shaft: that’s why the cam shaft! That’S why it sounds gnarly as hell, and I smelled corn right you’re on E85 E85 yep full full tune.
23 PSI. Then this intake is massive. Some say too much, but uh can never be too much. You can hear the wine from the supercharger and it’s a Maggie 2650, so magson put on their bigger blower, the 2650 that got us pretty close to 1,000 of crank. It was like 980 high 980s, so I was like man, I need a th000.
So then, that’s when I hit up Chris Bailey over there in Fort Worth Texas sent it down to him. So this thing cruises man. I love that you daily drive this dude. This is I all my stuff. I drive man.People would call this a street princess. You know with all the carbon fiber and flipping in Johnson Valley. I have other stuff. I can off-road this for my kids and it’s a wild ass truck. That’S that’s the goal.
You know it’s a different thing: when you’re going to go pounding Offroad you’re going to spend double the money you know, selfie is going to break, probably should do all carbon fiber. If you already want to cover it but uh yeah, it’s a street Prince for now. Yeah, so this a custom bumper, I just got powder coated in that gloss black – to match everything so custom front, bumper rear bumper uh West Fab did all that he did the exhaust too. My thing I want like that off-road look, but also that street truck Vibe. No, I get it, I mean it’s funny, we’re looking at this pre-runner right here.
Next to you – and it’s I mean I know Ryan already said that was like 1.2. I think he’s got in that. So this looks like a street badass. You know what I mean, but it but it, but it looks like Street Truck anybody that thinks you’re being saying it’s: it’s not an off-road Truck Yeah dumbass.
It wasn’t built to be that you know I mean I’m sure you could go Offroad and have a good time in Kick Ass with all the coilovers from King shocks and all the kib tech stuff. But you know it’s the fastest truck that a dad can have to get their kids from school to the house. You know that was the goal. The kids have got to love it when they that’s. Why I do it kids at school, we got everyone beat here.Man like Dad, does it need 1300 horsepower, I’m like no doesn’t need it, but it’s pretty cool. You can do it. I don’t need it. I don’t need it. Do.
I need widebody fenders front and back now do I need exhaust coming out the side. No, by the way, I love that you did the step down. Yes, sir, I mean I’m sorry, bro you’re you’re, like what are you? 6′. 4.
6′. 4. I’M almost 65, I’m 5’11! That’S a that’s! A big step up that makes life good still got to do the interior.
It’S so only thing left. I was just going to say dude I was I when I popped the interior like you’re disappointed right. Do I talk smack you do? It was all set up. My guy went MIA on me, but we’ll get it done.
Is that how the wheel comes stock? No! No! That’S a that yeah! That’S a custom!
Alcanta yeah! Almost all my vehicles have that alcanta steering wheel. I just love the feel. You said it’s a same company. Bumper, wise yep westfab did all that.
Oh that’s crazy! So so, when you actually step on it, you got a little bit of grip. Huh boy, talking about a big step up there huh holy the the gas Tank’s. Also back here, my son’s baseball. You can tell it’s the Dad mobile my son’s baseball gear, but yeah the oh yeah, all the gas here get to relocate it.
Why cuz you? You put a different tank on here. The carbon fiber fenders don’t come with the gas tank, so it’s either. You can run through there or cut into the fender and put a gas that’s way better. Cleaner way, easier, looks a lot cleaner.Now this I’m not going to lie. This thing gets about 5 to 6 miles per gallon. Oh my God! On E85, you got yeah you’re glad it’s E85. It’S a lot cheaper, yeah!
It’S three bucks out here in Cali holy dude, that’s crazy! How much you’re burning probably should have done a flex fuel in hindsight. But what can you it’s straight? 85. Straight 85 yeah.
I want to see where your exit is over here. That’S slick. Did your guy in Texas do this as well? No that that’s West Fab, so he did the the front bumper rear bumper, and then he did the side exhaust nice. I was there he’s drilling into these one of one carbon fiber rear fenders.
I thought I don’t really know him he’s like 23 years old, I’m letting this kid drill into my carbon fiber Fender, you know, but he he pulled it off. Man he’s a stud. No, it looks super clean favorite. Part of this is that that Southern Hot Rod transmission, it’s just that’s what Ryan took for a SP he’s like dude, this transmission is wild was, is it 8-speed yeah I found out this morning? I didn’t know this.
The trxs are all wheel all the time all the time and that’s why this one still set up that way. Yeah it is yep, it’s damn near impossible to turn that off. So if you hold down the traction control button for a certain amount of time, it will turn it off. So it does go to two wheel: drive, that’s actually how flipped the first one, because all day I was able to hold down the button for like 10 seconds. It shuts it down and I could do donuts and do my thing and it must have just had enough and we’re holding it down and then, as I started, getting high RPMs for whatever reason it had a glitch turned the traction control on and that’s when went So you got a whole different level of grip.
That’S why people like oh dumbass, you flipped them like yeah, yes, but also. I had some help with the traction control, yeah yeah! That’S why that happened. Well, let’s go drive it dude. Let’S do it!
Brother, yeah man? Oh yeah, this thing is stupid, loud yeah, it’s really loud. The transmission is my favorite part. The southern heart built transmission. Oh my God.
It’S so good than well dude, you’re, loving it. How long have you had this? How long has it been done and on the road for oh bro? I’Ve only had it maybe a month. I’Ve had it since January.
That’S it yeah! It’S it’s with all the work that, like especially the to line up the the fenders. That was a really long process, the the first fender that fiber Works made. So I was the first one to get them, so we had to make sure the fitting was right. It just took a long time, man and then Chris Bailey, at hyper performance in Fort wor Texas, had it probably a month month and a half cuz one of the issues we’re having is there’s so much power it kept lifting so high up in the front.
So we have to get big beefy strut, bars with front and back Goa yeah see you’re pretty much loving it love it. Look at this Smile Smile by my kids, love it, your kids. Are they got the bug for vehicles? Oh yeah. They know their cars.That’S why I do it man, I’m curious dude. If you don’t mind, you know the question a lot of times. People don’t like being asked this, but so somebody wants to build this truck identical to what you’ve done. I love it. The the laugh lets me know.
It’S a lot of money. It’S a lot! Man yeah, it’s a lot! Well, the donor truck is what uh the you. You start with your TRX you’re 100 Grand 100 Grand yeah, 100 Grand and then you know completely modified with the built motor.
The southern hot ride built transmission uh all the engine work, the tuning the fuel injectors the fuel pump, then the full long travels suspension, kib Tech Parts the wheels tires. You know the custom bump front rear yeah um you’re north of 300 yeah yeah, yeah, you’re you’re, probably mid mid 300s. I I I figured that I mean just those beautiful arms back there yeah those are 20 grandish, something like that. Yeah and I anything Kibby Tech offers I have on this, so yeah now, actually some of it. I I get discounted cuz, it’s buddies, making the parts and stuff like that, but when it comes to labor and stuff like that, if I don’t do it myself, which a lot of it, I can’t you know um.
You know that the labor adds up. Oh yeah, and especially to have a guy like you know Chris Bailey who’s. He has thousands. Thousands of people hit him up for business to have him. Do a built motor and trans yeah.
That was the that was the expensive part, yeah yeah yeah. I’M sure you talking about world renown fastest Hellcat that mechanic on the planet to get in with him. That was tough, so the transmission is it. Is it what comes with the TRX and then it’s built, or is it a completely different transmission yeah? So Southern Hot Rod offers both you can send your your stock transmission and then they’ll build it, but we kind of did a hybrid version of that got it where, where it’s their their internals their stuff.
So it’s it’s just literally. I I told Chris I was like I want from Southern Hot Rod what you have in the world record demon, but for a TRX like I wanted that beefy transmission, the sport transmission. So you don’t really need to be in sport mode to get those high RPMs and the the the smooth transitions when it’s shifting right I mean I’ve noticed the way it shifts is perfect. It does it like, like. I could tell if you keep your foot in it, it’s going to hold RPMs way up there.
This thing drives amazing too it it doesn’t feel like you know some some trucks that are, they can be harsh. They can be, and and especially like the the amount of sway that you get. You know you can tell that this is more of a street build yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah! That thing makes power. That’S the first time I put my foot in it a little bit: oh yeah bro, oh, I can’t wait till you get in the driver’s seat.
I do like how it’s alerting me that I’m getting close to the C. That’S nice, I’m like yeah! I could feel it over in the passenger, seek well we’re getting a little close. There just got this thing built dude. I don’t want to Doom.
You don’t go viral again wrong reason. No, no! No! Definitely not holy, dude, yeah dude, this thing’s no wheels are like God, you can really feel the all-wheel thing too, yes, which I’m not crazy about yeah, I’m with you cuz when I, when I hit it a couple times, mildly. You got to wheel it a little bit.
You know it wants to pull. You got to kind of finesse it a little bit. Cuz they get out of hand bro. I cannot believe this is a truck on 38. This is stupid stupid.
This is so stupid. I love you Brandon you’re, so cool that you’re, this dumb, so dangerous. I mean come on. Kids, let’s go to school right, oh we’re! Running late yeah!
I mean Jesus dude. Oh blew my a drums out yeah that was loud. That was loud, dang dude. This thing, no wonder: you’re daily driving this yeah bro, it eats it. Definitely eats God.
Damn dude ooh you’re right about the transmission yeah sh for you and everything. That’S my favorite part of this build is that TR, oh God, damn dude just the tires. You can tell it’s trying to H up it. Does it’s almost like? It doesn’t know what to do
We leave it to Brendan to build this to be his daily driver, big massive truck 38s making about 1,000 horse power at the tires, picking up and dropping off his kids at school, very Brendan sha. To do this? Really hope you guys enjoyed this one man thanks as always for hanging and watching what we do and I’ll see you in the next one, all right, man.