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It sounds sweet. What’S up guys, we got the 12 valve and it’s finally time to start making some power with it. I currently have it loaded up on the dyno, so we can get a baseline to see how much horsepower it makes now, and then we got a whole table worth of goodies to try to get this thing up to 600 horsepower right now. The goal is 600 horsepower and then hopefully we can grenade this engine and then we’re going to build a new engine to be able to withstand 1,000 plus horsepower. So this is going to be a bit of a series I’ll try to link all the videos together or maybe put them in a playlist.
But in this first video we are going to be dynoing the truck and then we’re just going to be swapping the turbo and manifold and then we’re going to Dy it again and see if just upgrading the turbo makes much difference. So this is a smedan s369 and I also got the one with the steel 360 thrust, bearing so yeah, let’s D, this truck and see how it is right now and go from there if you haven’t seen this paint job yet look at my calligraphy Ram logo. It’S pretty cool, but if we open her up, she’s is basically stock stock turbo. We got an air filter. I removed the fuel plate from my P pump here and it has a 5-in exhaust.
All right got all set up. Let’S see what this baby makes, okay, let’s see the results, the 255 horsepower and 601 ft-lbs of torque. That is a real nice smooth graph. All three of those are really really nice.So all three of those poles, I actually didn’t – have any load on the dyno. Now this is an old Dyno and it has really big rollers, so it does take a lot of force to get them moving. The reason why you would use load is to build boost if it’s too easy for the truck to turn the rollers. It’S not going to build boost and you’re not going to be able to measure your horsepower, but I was easily building my Peak boost, which is like 20 psi in this truck no problem uh without any load on the dyno. So I guess next on the list of things to do is to swap that turbo manifold and then uh run around the dyno again check that out.
We got it all out. None of those bolts broke either there was some there pretty touch and go, and I thought we were going to snap a couple: exhaust manif, full bolts, but uh. No, we prevailed, which is nice here. Is the old setup right here. So do I need to run a wastegate.
I don’t think I can with the new turbo yeah there’s no place on here for a wastegate. No, so we are not waste gting, this okay, I’m also realizing now that I can’t use these not that I’d want to use them again anyways. But these are my exhaust manold bolts and just with my new Steed speed, I’m going to need Shor bolts and I never ordered uh, new bolts or studs for that. So I’m going to have to get some of those coming right away and uh. Then we’ll bolt up that new uh exhaust mfold and turbo and run her back on the dyno.This is a good time, though, to say that I am selling merch here’s a tank top. I got hats. I got hoodies all that stuff uh. I do this full time now these videos are free to watch and I love that you guys watch them. But if you want to show a little extra support, you can get some super sweet merch.
I got really cool designs, darkiron, and I’d love, your support. So it’s now the next day I just got back to the shop to work on some other stuff and I noticed there’s a big puddle of transmission oil underneath the truck like. Why is there so much oil under here all this? This is a lot of oil.
I’M looking here and I think it’s the oil pan gasket cuz, looking above the transmission, doesn’t look so bad or looking above. The oil pan doesn’t look so bad, but every it’s like every single bolt is leaking on the oil pan. I probably D this truck. Like 20 times in the last month, just learning how to use the dyno, so I don’t know – maybe it didn’t like that abuse and now I need to change it. Oil pan gasket.For the second part of this video I got my buddy Luke, say: hi Luke. What’S up guys, he is going to film and uh we’re going to do we’re going to see if you guys like that, better or not. So let me know in the comments, if you want me to keep having Luke film for me or if you want me to do it all myself. Okay, it’s been about a month and a half since we filmed the first bit of this video. I had to get a downpipe, I had to get manifold studs.
I had to get a new turbo drain fitting for the new turbo we’re finally going to put back together today. Hopefully we have everything we’re going to take this downpipe out. First then, we’re going to put the turbo and manifold in put it together, hook up the new downpipe and see what happens. We also have to address that transmission oil leak as well just tight the whole way. So I wonder if this is going to line up the same way, the old one did I got to clean up these exhaust mouth will PS a bit all that dust going right down my oil drain.
That’S why you got to do an oil change when you do this? Okay, so that’s good enough for the chicks I go out with you know. If I was doing this the right way, I would probably grab a a tap and die set and I would tap these holes again to make these threads good cuz. These are well. This is 1995 with half a million kilm on it.I don’t think the exhaust mold’s ever been off until now, but it’s eating it. It’S taking it like a good girl yeah. This shouldn’t be so bad. Now all the studs are in the gaskets are on. We just got to put these washers and nuts on toru.
I don’t even know probably like 30 foot lbs, I’m not using a torque Cranch though torque crunches are for click, it’s kind of like using a torque, wrench, exact, same thing: click whenever you’re tightening these manifolds, though you always got to start in the Middle, don’t work your way out. You don’t want to just start at one side, so we got the maff in there. We torqued her down to about 32t lbs. I reckon so now we got to see how this Turbo’s going to sit in there so yeah that ain’t going to work, cuz look at where this is facing, so we need to turn this down cuz, that’s how it was before, like a fidget spinner. At this point, this drain line keeps hitting on the turbo on the on the fresh air housing.
But I have a couple here like I have a fleece one and then a factory 67 c one. These are a pain in the ass to try to make work. Don’T want to try to use that even this. This isn’t the right one for the job, but yeah like there’s no way that’ll work, we’re going to have to feel like we’re going to have to modify this drain pipe, so that will be good that lines up. Downpipe to be determined, we have a new downpipe for it, so hopefully that lines up.So I think right now. Our only issue is this drain pipe. It’S the learning experience it’s kind of like trying to make chicken soup out of chicken honestly. So I think the plan is we’ll heat it up here, bend it that way just a little bit and then we’ll have to do the opposite over here, and I I I hope we don’t just totally wreck this honestly. We might.
I need sunglasses for this hold on. I can’t see right now. Do I look sweet? Oh yeah, so this is actually the factory drain pipe on both sides. We just cut a chunk out and we’re using that hose and now it’s not touching anything.
It’S going to work mint as long as it doesn’t leak, but I don’t think it’s going to leak all right, so we got the drain plug in. It looks all good uh. We can start kind of bolting stuff up here now and see how she goes. Okay, so we have to put this oil feed line on backwards, because this part over here wouldn’t clear the new exhaust manifold. So it’s got a wicked curve up there we’re going to have to try to get a 45 angle, but we preed the turbo and uh.That’S just another mystery solved for now. I don’t like that, but you EAS what it is right. So so, every time you change a turbo, you always want to change the oil at the same time and it’s funny because I’ve owned this truck for about 4 years. I’Ve never done an oil change on it. So when people say mechanic owned, yeah mechanics just know how long they can push something until it’s like absolutely at the very end of its life.
Why why cuz? I hate I just hate. Doing maintenance man hate it. I hate it so much. I’D rather spend money on cool stuff and it’s a 12 valve coming so real.
Realistically, it’s never going to blow up. I could put no oil in it and probably drive it to Miami from. Here try it now. check the transmission oil yeah.We need to put some in there. I don’t know how. How do I look at that works so good, oh wow, okay, watch how hard it slams into reverse, though, actually that wasn’t even that bad, probably because there’s fluid in it, though. So I got a boost gauge here and before with the old turbo, which I thought was a stock turbo. But in now that I’m thinking about it, it might be a little bit oversized.
Cuz we’re making like 25 PSI boost with the stock turbo or whatever was in here before, so I think this one’s going to smoke like crazy, though cuz we’re not going to have enough fuel to really spool it good. Yet that’ll be the next episode. It sounds. Sweet it does. Oh, you can hear, I hope in the in the should be able to we’re building like no boost.
That’S 10. 12. Psi 15. I like how we really didn’t do any tests to make sure it’s good we’re. Just we got her together out of the shop and we’re just sending it we’re going to go.Do some Bag we’re bag driving right now? That’S how we’re doing! Hopefully, it’s good because we’re a little ways from the shop here and I don’t want to have to tow this thing back – that one real F that was just the one one wheel see I used to do both it used to do two wheel peels. But now it’s just doing one I’ll do another pull and then we’ll go put this thing on the dyno before it did burnouts and now it won’t even do burnouts. So we need more fuel for this thing for sure it sounds sweet.
It drives pretty good, but it had more boost before with a smaller Turbo, so injectors it is delivery valves. We got to do all that stuff, but first we got to dyo it. I was wondering if maybe he saw the smoke from that one burnout and was going to come, be like what are you guys doing?okay, we’re doing a new run, we’re not going to use any load. We didn’t have any load when we down this thing at first, because these rollers are heavy enough, that it could spool the turbo.
But I think we’re going to have to probably add some load. But we’re going to do a few runs here and just kind of see how it is and we had 255 horsepower was the max I’m guessing that we’re going to be down to like 200 horsepower. That’S my guess. Cuz until we add more fuel – but I guess we’ll see here – we go. The Boost is weird, it’s like not really has any boost and then all a sudden it starts gives us some boost, but, like I think we only hit about 15 psi.
There so I don’t know, let’s go see what we got. Okay, these graphs are so much different than they were before remember before they were just nice and round like that. These ones, you can tell it’s like not spooling, not spooling, and finally, you get some spool there, but we only hit 235 horsepower was the best and then about 500 ftlb of torque, which is down from 255 horsepower and I think we’re at like 600ish foot pounds Of torque, so I’m going to try to put a little bit of load on the dyno now and see if we can get that to spool. You know up here instead of way back there – and I don’t know see that’s better than I thought, though. Okay, so have a look Luke here we got 238.
horsepower and we hit 514 lbs of torque, so that was actually our best run. The Third Run. I loaded it up a little bit still not getting like Peak boost, though like we just, we need more fuel. So this is just going to show you that, just because you put a big ass turbo on your truck, doesn’t make it faster. It actually makes it slower.
You have to do the supporting mods, so we got to do injectors. We got the dynamite diesel products injectors. Oh, they smell good, those are going to be sweet and then we got other stuff in here too, we got delivery valves. We got springs for the pump. I don’t even know what some of this stuff is.I’Ve never really worked on a pee pump before so we’re going to have to figure it all out, but uh yeah, I’m really looking forward to it. So that’s basically it for this video stay tuned because we’re going to be doing more fuel and then we’re going to try to get this up to 600 horse fingers crossed make sure you go to www.
Darkiron get some super sweet Merch. This is pretty dirty now, but we got a lot of cool stuff on there.
Follow me on Instagram at darkiron diesel. Thank you guys for watching. I hope to see you on another video soon. No, no one with like a nice new Lamborghini is going to chirp somebody for having an old Lamborghini because those people aren’t haters. You know that I can’t take no l, i don’t even know what it cost.
I hit the ground. It go off. Yeah hit the ground and it go off. Yeah