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Good morning, ladies and gents, I know you guys are quite confused looking at this view. Right now I haven’t really uploaded in a while, so you guys are probably wondering like what is going on and I’m going to try to start filming more content this year. In 2025, a little bit busy to make content. I know this used to be well still is, but more so used to be like my full-time job, but ever since starting JW, Motorsports Co and all the support you guys have been giving me has made me a little bit like has been making me busier to Make content which it’s it’s a cursing and a blessing? I do appreciate all the support you guys give me by purchasing products on the website and but that’s why I’ve been focusing a little bit more on the business aspect of it.
But I know I got to make content to make more money with the business by selling more products and doing more install videos and reviews so that way, it’ll help you guys out before you make that final person, I’m in an F250 today. Let me know if you guys are shocked that I’m driving a Ford, it’s been a while since y’all seen this truck, but um me too yeah. Wait till. We reveal, like everything, that’s done to this truck cuz Alex – has spent some four months 4 months and been sitting for 4 months, but how much money 4 months 4 months – let’s not even bring up how much he spent a lot of unexpected costs. But if you want do it, do it right, so we got three different Rock lights, that’s mine with my branding on it.
That’S obviously like the ones you guys have been seeing on Tik Tok shop and that’s the one off of Amazon which looks identical to mine, but there’s some differences and people are like. Oh just go, buy the noname brand because it’s just as bright. What do you find out you see? The chip has a slightly different color to it, and I noticed that cuz. I did put these on my my EP lights.Mhm, don’t like it, you don’t like it different different color, different temp. So this is, I mean this is a good test. Cuz you’re offer regulated power, supply you’re not run off a battery. That’S 15 years old. Okay.
Let me turn this big light off. Even just in the video can you tell which one is uh has higher output yeah those two versus you can see on the table yeah. So when it comes to color yours and the stop sign, looking one yeah um have the best color this one’s more. Like a also like a greenish yellow, yeah um, but as for brightness, it’s definitely I mean this. There’S no comparison.
Yeah, you do get what you pay for they look the same. The advertis is the same, but they’re not the same yep shout out to Alex yeah. Shout out to Alex for uh going out and buying one of these from Tik Tock shop Amazon. I me, I will say I bought them. I bought like a what a 12 piece and then a eight piece uhhuh.I might use it for odds and end stuff. Like Harper’s little ride on toys, but if your vehicle don’t do it yeah don’t do it cuz Alex has the brightest Rock light setup in the world I, unless you’re using AB, then you might need to do it. What is that Amber? I got to show you you put Amber ones so now my Fender liners switch back. You did switch back, oh dude, that’s!
Actually I could do it with, though that’s pretty new, I don’t think I’ve seen anybody do that. I had to build a relay module. Oh sick I’ll do my hat heck yeah, that’s dude, that’s different so say like you’ve got your Rock lights on yeah and then thr hazards hold on turn it off real, quick. It’S going to be hard to tell, though, because of the wheel light being on yeah but cuz. It’S usually heading it within the wheel, the exact same Rock lights, look close!
Look at the chips look at the chips on this one, and this one has some weird coil right there that this one does not have different internals better brighter. But it’s up to you guys ultimately, but Alex is going to show you guys how to wire these Rock lights today, the professional way I I am going to get some plug andplay option next time around. Just because literally I do love how they’ve got the 15 or 16t leads. It makes it a lot easier if you have to make it longer, so be it but you’re not making every single one long. Exactly a demand for the plug andplay option is way higher.Yeah, so we will have that option for for these to be plug and playay in the future, but as of right now, it’s like very custom friendly everything. Well really custom is the only option very youtubable, very youtubable yeah, so Alex is going to give you guys. The ins and outs: this is going to be the how to video we’ve done one before, but people were still confused. Yeah is with the little ones like this long, and this one will be on a truck that has Factory upfitters. That’S true!
So that’s that’s! A big difference makes it a lot easier, sometimes sometimes all right, we’ll find out, let’s see which one’s worse GM or Ford for the liners Ford Ford takes 16 different. They use seven or eight different bits and different push connectors and this one’s not as bad cuz. That driver side side has a lot of the harnesses that are pushed into it. But this one, I don’t see any, this person, he job at the moment – is to put two Rock lights on the wheel liner and then make sure they run into One Singular connection And then it goes to a a male fitting, especially like on on the older Duramaxes, where you need to remove the wheel liner for fuel filter changes um, you don’t want just wires dangling and not being able to remove your liner.
So this is a pretty good way to do it. I I do it like this, like what uh twist them yeah and then do the solder fold it over and then push it over, probably a magnet. Well, it’s aluminum. I don’t know all right step. One was to mount all the rock lights.This wheel. Well has one right here, one right here and then they all got this truck Alex espcially made brackets. So I got mounted right here right there in the middle and then another one right here and then two in the wheel well back here and then two in the back right there so Mount The Rock lights first and basically run the wires. So, actually, this side, the two back wires, went actually from there. This wire one, that’s right.
There came across the truck this way and then met here. Two lines came this way: that’s not part of the rock light wiring. So, but it’s near there right, you ran it like under there. Oh it’s between the, I guess. If that’s the death tank and the skid plate, it’s back behind there all right.
It’S back behind there and then came here came here and then it follows the factory harness right here and it just goes to the front, goes up: yonder yep. It comes this way and then essentially I’ll show you guys on this side cuz. I still have the uh fender flares or uh liner removed, as you can see, the bundle of the wires right there, which came from this side of the truck, came up this way up up up, and now it is, has a split right here and then main Power wire from the batter is right there, which is going to power. The Quick Connect here which is going to go to the the liner, but it’s also going to power all those wires for the rock lights that are under the truck so 1, 2. 3.4.5 smile come smile.
When I see you smile more when Sunshine right leave me and you SM more me up SM more want to see your face, SM more. When I feel SM. When I need to let go let go.
Everything is done, Rock lights are installed, everything is wired up. Let’S see how bright this thing is. Uh number six number six Fords have Factory auxiliary, switch. They work. I wonder if it has to have to key in oh yeah.
There we go. I guess the only downside is that the truck has to be on no, not for number six, not for number six. Oh pop, the hood pop the hood yeah turn them off real. Quick, though all right, what happened? Um there’s a 5 amp fuse that you pull out and move the little plastic jumper over, and it makes five and six um hot with ignition off or on oh cool kind of how on the gmss, you can do the same thing for the interior, um cigarette Lighters and USBS, so you can charge your stuff whenever the truck’s off you just got to be cognizant of your
battery there we go, did that do it yeah that did it? Oh yeah where’s the light for the garage over by the door. No over by the garage door going to be the double switch is the one on the right all right. Oh yeah, that looks good, no Shadows really yeah. 18’S.
Perfect yeah. 18 is perfect. There’S like no Shadows, oh wow, right, dang, even like under the cab. You would think I mean under the middle of the truck, you would think, there’s lights under there, but there’s not yeah, that’s good, but where’s that light coming from. I have no idea.
I think it’s just the way you had the bracket dang look at this yeah yeah. That bracket did a good job and, with this being a little aluminum aluminum bracket um. I think what I did was some of these. I pushed up mhm yeah, so you wouldn’t one see it from cover that one up real, quick that that light dispersed, look, look at that. It comes all the way out to here.
I bet you the middle one, cuz the front you’re getting fin liner too, and then this one was up a little bit higher yeah, oh yeah, so it’s literally just the drive shaft yeah. That is not bad for 18, no yeah, true cabs, 18 single cabs. 16. All right, yeah, that’s not bad at all, pretty impressed, so you can be seen for the toe truck driver to come. Get him cuz.
It’S a Ford. I can’t say anything right now: yeah. He says it as his truck is on jack stand on purpose. Okay, so we got two in the front two in each wheel: well, uh three on each frame frame rail, so six total in the middle of the truck two more in the back in the back wheel. Well and then two more by the bumper think.
It’S a perfect number, 18 mhm. Unless you know you wanted to put three in each wheel well for some reason, but two is plenty for a leveled application on stocks yeah, you don’t need it mm like. If you have a lot of powder coating done, like your truck, then sure I got what five probably eight now with your switchbacks right, only two. So seven, seven, that’s a lot, though yeah starting to look like Starlight yeah, one of unlocking hell yeah. But then, if the rock lights are on one of one switch back wheel, wells D, that is so bright, holy cow, damn that dope right, you see how the rest of the fen went out.Yeah, that’s cool! That is super cool, so I mean when the tire is on it looks better cuz the wheel lights, not yeah, so bright, but that’s day yeah I like how the rock lights cut off. When you do that, mhm cuz, I mean obviously because right now, you’re doing the hazards, but if you have like actual turn signal on yeah, half of your truck would be lit this. How it’ll look like with the back you see more Amber cuz. The tire is blocking yeah, actually, none of the wheel, light yeah but, like it’d, be cool like with the turn signals.
Half the truck would be lit during the day without the rock lights on they still do it, yeah sweet. So that’s the rock light from Amazon y that look did a little skit on earlier yeah. That’S, definitely not as bright as so y’all. Look at this and then look at that 12 piece. Replicas of these lights off Amazon and this they are not nearly, as I don’t even think these are brighter than the 9 these. I have look at that. One flickering 19p point turn to get this out of here. Well, here she is the finished product. That’S not bad.
Like I said, there is no shadow under the truck and for this bubble setup for stocks leveled on 37s. It’S pretty good and I know there’s a lot of hate for um arck lights because well frankly, a lot of like us like the fancy trucks like Alex’s truck right here, but honestly Rock lights are really useful. So for for this application you know. Obviously he wants it because it look looks cool, but for him when he goes when he hunts when he goes to his farm, when he goes off-roading for activities that he does it’s going to come in handy, especially at night. There’S been numerous occasions where I’ve used.
My rock lights to load and unload stuff from my truck on like snowboarding trips and stuff, like that or even backing up the truck to a to a campsite or even to a cabin up in the mountains. Rock lights come in really handy right, Deon yeah. We need to put some on the duly now, not this Dy, not this D, maybe not this Dy, maybe my next CH up in five years. Five years, but I mean here’s like we haven’t, had a we haven’t, had a Ford in a while. Really ever, but I I am starting to like them, I want to work on them a little bit more, so I think I want to try to feature more Fords F250s, maybe even some F-150s um.
Actually, my cousin in Korea has an F-150 and while I was there in October, I installed his headlights Grill and a few other stuff for him, because F-150s are like really rare in Korea and nobody wants to work on them and there’s not a lot of people Who know about working on these trucks so we’re going to get more F250s and get Alex to install more rock lights on them? So let me know in the comments, if you guys want to see more Ford stuff, maybe even some coming stuff in the future and uh maybe expand out the what yeah. Let me know in the comments below, if you guys want to see more other brands other than than Duramax. We might even add some KIA KIA, no we’re. I was thinking gas 53 fully built 53.That’S the one! You should be that ain’t fully built. That’S the one you should be focused on right there. Oh, that one little wait. He got done with the truck before I could even get a chance to film it bro.
You should have known that when man starts tearing St down, you got like a couple hours. Yeah we just like one night when I was going to do something on the rear end. That morning the axle was out exactly yeah. I was like what next day gears were changed. Well, just like this truck Alex had a heart attack, and next oh yeah, it was an axle seal yeah.
I said I called him. I said tell me how an axle seal turns into the axle being out of the truck exactly I was like. I was like just getting, I was like yeah, I don’t know. I have no idea how that happens. Well, I mean like this Shug you know Alex had a heart attack and he supposed to be resting next thing.
I know his motor is torn apart and he got he found that out from me, and I found that out from him when I called him like just making sure he was all right like yeah, I’m actually rebuilding my engine right now, exactly I’m like bro. It’S not bad yeah you’re supposed to be like chillaxing, not working on your truck. You have pictures of when you had the motor, oh yeah, torn apart you’re talking about no, not your heart, not your arteries! I got those pictur too. If you guys want to see his arteries how clogged up they are yeah, I took some progress.
Pictures yeah of your arteries or both both, which one was in worse condition. I mean the amount of carbon build up on. Those is probably the amount of, that’s in m, so about equal all right. Well, we’ll try to get more content of this truck. If I can, if, if it can go out of the garage ID down, got to t a little bit more though, when it’s like this, you throw it in drive or reverse like put on The Brak there.
We, go it’s supposed to be loing, it’s a l, the truck Norris C kind of like the Cho of COA. From I didn’t know, it’s supposed to be loc, I’m run low. What run low.